Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) 2019 Dec 5th Sem (3rd Year) 8171E Chemistry (Instrumental methods of Analysis) Previous Question Paper
CBCS} Examination. November! December 2019
Subject : Chemistry {Instrumental Methods of Analysis}
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Time : 3 Hours aper VI {A} {D35 E1] Max Mark; so
PART- A {5 x 3 = 15 Marks]
{Short Answer Type}
Nate : Answer any ?ve of the following questions.
Q! What is continuous extraction? Give- nne example.
What is R1 value? Whatare the factors in?uencing R; value?
3 List any fwe cation anion resins.
ul/ Mat is the basic difference between paper and column chromatography?
3/ De?ne transmittance and absorbance. '
6?1What is difference between calorimetry and spectruphotametr?y
?i/ What is the principie involved in potentiometry'?
8 What '15 over potential?
PART ? E {#5 Marks}
{Essay Answer Type}
Nate: Answer ALL from the questions.
Q {a} What is the principle involved in solvent extraction? Explain counter current
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extrac?nn method. DR
{beaw d0 yau prepare ascending and descending chromatogram in paper
10 I: ) Expiain the p?ck'rng techniques in cniumn chromatography {wet packing and
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-::lr5rr packing} '? GR
M?Write Beer Lambert?s law and write its limiiations
I H d
rite short note on
12 {63/15: N????al Hydrogen Electrode
{ii} Duin hydrnne E1ectmde DR
11 Write brief note an .
( J{i} Micro Eiectrudes
{ii} Polarization m?
This post was last modified on 18 April 2020