Download OU B.Sc 2019 Dec 5th Sem (3rd Year) 8193 Statistics Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) 2019 Dec 5th Sem (3rd Year) 8193 Statistics Previous Question Paper

8.81:. V ? Semester Exani 3:73 '0". November I Dece
? , Statistics
' .. ontrol and Reliability
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Time. 3 Hodfs 43 = 15 Marks) ,-, l, , ?- .v ,?
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Note: Answer any FIVE of the ?
Write the uses of statistical qua
M?tare the di?erent types of
Write about importance of SQC in
List the applicattons of C-Chart. 7
De?ne NaturatToterance Limits a . {ii
Explain the terms:
i) ASN
ii) A11
iii) ML .
Distinguish ret?b?ity and quality
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This post was last modified on 18 April 2020