Download OU B.Sc 2019 Dec 5th Sem (3rd Year) 8215 Bio Technology Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) 2019 Dec 5th Sem (3rd Year) 8215 Bio Technology Previous Question Paper

B.Sc. V35m55?5r {6505} Examination. ?wombat f?nuam?arm?
Subject: Eia?Technology
{Muiacular Biology and Remmhinant DNA Tauhnalazgyp-
Paper - V {DS C]
Time: 3 Huurs
PART .. A {5113 = 15 marks.)
[Short Answer Type]
Note: Answer any five of the failav?ng quas?d. '-
-=i What i5 reverse transcription? 1 ?b
52- E-iabarate rho dependent transcription tarmin'atinn _ b
'3 Write 5 short note an 5It5m5t5-5pli5ing . r33,
alv' D555rib5 pclyadenyiatiun r 5
15. 'Whal are shuf?e 55511315? I
13 "Detail polymerase chain reaction and its?grgiii?hguns
51?? Write a short note on arabin555 upemm . v
3..E5;plair1 genetic code. *1;
5155145 55 mama}
Q $35943?? in-gi?etail . '-
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This post was last modified on 18 April 2020