Download OU B.Sc 2016 April 3rd Year 2035 Computer Science Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) 2016 April 3rd Year 2035 Computer Science Previous Question Paper

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Code No. 2035
B.Sc. Iil ? Year Examination, March I April 2016
Subject: Computer Science
Paper ? IV
(Elective ? 1) Web Technologies
Time: 3 Hours MaxMarks: 100
PART? A (10x2: 20 Marks)
Answer All Questions. Each question carries 2 marks.
a) Define the structure of html program.
b) Define with syntax tag.
0) What is scripting.
d) Define DHTML. i? E
e) Write about status bar. 3;? kw?
f) What are events? "i g '
9) De?ne XML schema. 2% ?"
h) Definejava servlets. E Ems
i) Define PERL. K
j) What is ISP?
PART ? B (5x16 = I o Ma?ts)
2 3) Explain about varioustextfonnattin
b) What are lists? Expiain different ty?es o is with examples.
c) How do you define tables using HT ags?
d) Explain how to add Imagesi?fi colors into a web page.
3 a) Explain different style wnth examples
b) Explain about stnng;m?a ?tion functRions with examples.
?3% *4?
c) What are the co%?atements in JavaScript? Explain with examples.
d) What is an array? xpiain how to create array and how to add and access
elements in atfay.
4 a) Wham ption handling? How it is handled in JavaScript and explain with an
b) ?gpla \iarious buiit-in-objects of JavaScript with syntax and examples.
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0) Write about messages and conformations with syntax and examples?
d) Write short notes on moving images.
5 a) Write short notes on structure of ASP program with example.
? b) What' Is XML? Explain various XML eiements with syntax
0) What is DTD? Write short notes on DOM.
d) Explain about java applets.
6 a) Write short notes on web servers.
b) Explain procedure for accessing iSP.
0) Write the reiation betweenTCP and IP.
d) Explain about the data in case study of w.

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