Download OU B.Sc 2016 April 3rd Year 2046 Electronics Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) 2016 April 3rd Year 2046 Electronics Previous Question Paper

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Code No. 2046
B.Sc. Ill Year Examination, March I April 2016
Paper ? |V(a) : Embedded Systems and Applications
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: Answer all questions from Part? A and any four questions from Part- B.
PART? A (4x20= 80 Marks) ?- 5
(Essay Answer Type)
1 a) i). Explain the organization of internal RAM of 8051 micrqffE
ii). Explain the main features of Port 3 in 8051 micro corms
OR ,
b) i) Explain the feature of Bit manipulation In 8051 mm: ?:ontroller with suitable
ii) Discuss different modes of Timer In 8051 micro controlier.
2 a) 1). Explain the various addressing mod
examples of instructions.
ii) Write a program to multiply tw 7
R0 and R1.
Ini?a?ps1 micro controller with suitable
bit giumbers and the store the result in registers
b) i) Explain JUMP and
? LLInstructions.
ii) Write a program "ange a given set of numbers In ascending order.
PART ? B (4x5 = 20 Marks)
(Short Answer Type)
Note: Answer any four questions.
5 Discuss data types and assembler directives in 8051 micro controller.
6 Exptain the Flag bits and PSW register in 8051 micro controller.
7 Discuss the instructions.
a) MUL AB b) DIV AB with examples.
8 Define the terms:
a) Data framing b) Data transfer rate c) R8232 standers in serial communication.
9 Expiain DA instruction with sample program.
10 Discuss the various interrupts 018051 micro controller.
11 Explain different MOV instructions used in 8051 micro controller.
12 Distinguish between parallel and seriai communication with examples.

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