Download MBBS 2nd Year 2012 August 524064 Systemic Pathology Question Paper

Download MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) 2nd Year (Second Year) 2012 August 524064 Systemic Pathology Previous Question Paper

[LB 543]


Sub. Code : 4064
Q. P. Code : 524064
Time : 180 Minutes Maximum: 40 Marks
Answer ALL questions.
Draw Suitable diagrams wherever necessary
I. Elaborate on:

Pages Time Marks

(Max.) (Max.) (Max.)
1. Etiopathogenesis, Pathology and Clinical Features of
Rheumatic Heart Disease.
16 30 10
2. 8 Yr Old boy with old scar of scabies skin lesion, with
history of Haematuria, Oliguria and Puffiness of face.
(a) What is your probable diagnosis.
(b) Etiopathogeneisis and laboratory investigations.
8 20 5
II. Write notes on:
1. Primary Pulmonary TB.
3 8 1.5
2. Chronic active Viral hepatitis.
3 8 1.5
3. Pilocytic astrocytoma.
3 8 1.5
4. Brenner Tumor.
3 8 1.5
5. Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.
3 8 1.5
6. Ulcerative Colitis.
3 8 1.5
7. Bowen's Disease of skin.
3 8 1.5
8. Osteoclastoma.
3 8 1.5
9. Phylloides tumor.
3 8 1.5
10. Oat cell Carcinoma of lung.
3 8 1.5
III. Short answers on:
1. Barrett esophagus.
2 5 1
2. Trisomy 18.
2 5 1
3. Aschof bodies.
2 5 1
4. Russel bodies.
2 5 1
5. Ghons foci.
2 5 1
6. Psammoma Bodies.
2 5 1
7. Call ? Exner Bodies.
2 5 1
8. Monkeberg's medial sclerosis.
2 5 1
9. 2 Malignant tumors of salivary gland.
2 5 1
10. Flexner Wintersteiner rosettes and Fleurettes.
2 5 1

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