Download Rajasthan University of Health Sciences (RUHS) MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) 1st Year (First Year) 2014 August Human Physiology Including Biophysics Paper II Previous Question Paper
1. Que. No. 1 in section A is compulsory. Attempt ANY TWO questions from rest of the questions in
section A. Attempt ANY THREE questions in section B.
2. Use separate answer sheet for each section.
Section A -(26 Marks)
1. Explain what will happen & why? 10
1. If plasma colloid osmotic pressure in systemic circulation is decreased to 11 mm of Hg. (C1- 57)
2. If premature babies have little or no surfactant in the alveoli when they are born (C1- 420)
3. If person with platelet count less than 50,000 /ml (C1- 95)
4. If HCO-3 concentration in extracellu- lar fluid is decreased (C1- 569)
5. If common bile duct is obstructed by gall stone (C1- 246)
2. Describe briefly: (8)
1. Conducting system of the heart (A- 554)(C1- 282)
2. Compliance of lungs (A. 719) (B. 307) (C1- 420)
3. Describe briefly (8)
1. Sweat gland (A. 357) (C1- 591)
2. Plasma clearance (C1- 541)
3. Secretin (A. 283) (B. 485)(C1- 236)
4. Functions of WBCs (A. 100) (B. 126)(C1-85)
4. Write notes on the following (8)
1. CO, transport in the blood (C1- 438)
2. Mechanism of formation of HCL acid in stomach (A. 235) (B. 466) (C1- 222)
5. Describe briefly (8)
1. Reynolds number (C1- 320)
2. Passive immunity (C1- 125)
3. Functions of bile (A. 252) (B. 491) (C1-243)
4. Physiological dead space (A. 732) (B. 318) (C1- 426)
6. Write short notes on (8)
1. Movements of small intestine (A. 278) (B. 501) (C1- 251)
2. Pressure & volume changes in left
ventricle during cardiac cycle (A. 536-540) (B. 206) (C1- 287)
7. Explain with diagram/ flow charts (8)
1. Juxtaglomerular apparatus (A. 311) (B. 380) (C1- 510)
2. Oxygen-Hb dissociation curve (A. 743) (B. 326) (C1- 434)
3. ECG in lead II (A. 556,557) (C1- 294)
4. Erythropoiesis (A. 70) (B. 104) (C1- 69)
8. Write notes on (8)
1. Peculiarities of pulmonary circulation (C1- 385)
2. Micturition reflex (A. 355) (B. 432) (C1-
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