Download RUHS MBBS 1st Year 2015 August Human Physiology Including Biophysics Paper I Question Paper

Download Rajasthan University of Health Sciences (RUHS) MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) 1st Year (First Year) 2015 August Human Physiology Including Biophysics Paper I Previous Question Paper

c) Rh incompatibility (C1- 111)
d) Buffer nerves (C1-334 )
Q6. Write notes on 08
a) Types of jaundice (C1- 81)
b) Renin-angiotensin mechanism (C1- 565)
Q7. Draw diagram/ flow charts of the following 08
a) Cell mediated immunity (C1- 127)
b) Lung volumes and capacities (C1- 415)
c) Action potential of cardiac muscle (C1- 180)
d) Micturition reflex (C1- 581)
Q8. Write notes on 08
a) Thermoregulatory mechanisms on exposure to cold environment (C1- 591)
b) Types of hypoxia (C1- 461)
PAPER ? I August 2015 (Main) TIME: 3 HOURS TOTAL MARKS: 5O
1. Que. No. 1 in section A is compulsory. Attempt ANY TWO questions from rest of the questions in
section A. Attempt ANY THREE questions in section B.
2. Use separate answer sheet for each section.
Section A - (26 Marks)
1. Explain what will happen and why?10
1. Damage to Boardman's area 44 in
prefrontal lobe of dominant hemisphere. (C2- 1039)
2. Decrease in plasma ionized Ca. -2- level below 4 mg/dl. (C2- 717)
3. If curvature of the cornea is more than normal. (C2- 1105)
4. If corpus luteum fails to secrete its hormone after fertilization has occurred. (C2-812 (A. 504)
(B. 655)
5. If poster ventral nucleus of thalamus gets damaged. (C2- 983)

2. Describe 08
1. Excitation contractions coupling mechanism. (C1- 168)
2. Alzheimer's disease (C2- 1043)
3. Explain 08
1. Olfactory pathway (A. 1049) (B. 943)(C2- 1058)
2. Gate control theory of referred pain (A. 873) (B. 807)(C2- 904)
4. Write08
1. Audiometry (C2- 1082)
2. Otolith organ (A. 926)(C2-943)
Section B - (24 marks)
5. Mention difference between (any two) 08
1. Stretch reflex and withdrawal reflex (A-828)(C2- 881)
2. Cushing's disease and Addison's disease (A. 454) (B. 595)(C2- 729)
3. Pyramidal and extrapyramidal tracts. (A. 869) (B. 730) (C2-913,917 )
6. Draw labelled diagram of the following
(any two) 08
1. Light reflex pathway (A. 1030) (B. 921) (C2- 1100)
2. Mechanism of action of Hormones (A. 386) (B. 529) (C2- 661)
3. Basal ganglia connections (A. 880) (B. 729) (C2- 996)
7. Describe08
1. Resting membrane potential (A. 188) (B. 25) (C1- 35)
2. Vasopressin (C2- 679)
8. Write short notes on 08
1. Endoplasmic reticulum (A. 8) (B. 10) (C1- 8)
2. Oral contraceptive pills (C2- 823)

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