Download RUHS MBBS 1st Year 2016 August Human Physiology Including Biophysics Paper I Question Paper

Download Rajasthan University of Health Sciences (RUHS) MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) 1st Year (First Year) 2016 August Human Physiology Including Biophysics Paper I Previous Question Paper

PAPER ? I August 2016 (Main)TIME: 3 HOURS TOTAL MARKS: 5O
1. Que. No. 1 in section A is compulsory. Attempt ANY TWO questions from rest of the questions in
section A. Attempt ANY THREE questions in section B.
2. Use separate answer sheet for each section.
Section A -- (26 Marks)
Q1. Give reasons for following (max. 3 lines/Sentences) 10
a) Pregnant woman have high total plasma cortisol level without symptoms of glucocorticoid
excess (C2-830 )
b) Radiologists / Aircraft pilots wear red glasses in bright light (C2- 1110)
c) Neostigmine is given for the treatment of myasthenia Gravis (C1- 160)
e) A lady breast feeding her baby has amenorrhoea (C2- 845)
Q2. Describe in brief 08
a) Supraspinal control of stretch reflex (C2- 884)
b) Fetoplacental Unit (C2- 928)
Q3. Write the difference between (any two)
a) Receptor potential and action potential (C1- 38)
b) Superficial pain and deep pain (C2-902)
b) Red muscle fibre and white muscle fibre (C1-174)
Q4. Write in short
a) Thyroid storm
b) Osmosis (C1- 17)
c) Non genomic action of aldosterone (Google: Non-epithelial action:Heart, blood vessels &
d) Lambert Eaton Syndrome (C1- 160)
Q5. Describe the following
a) Aldosterone Escape (C2-732)

b) Properties of Synapse (C2- 865)
Q6. Draw a labeled diagram/ flow chart any two
a) Sarcomere (C1-163)
b) Hypothalamus pituitary gonadal axis (C2-797)
c) Structure of cerebellum (C2-965)
Q7. Write in brief
a) Referred pain (C2- 904)
b) Suckling reflex (C2-682 )
Q8. Discuss the following
a) HCG (C2-826)
b) Composition and functions of CSF (C1- 373)

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