Download Rajasthan University of Health Sciences (RUHS) MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) 2nd Year (Second Year) 2012 January Forensic Medicine Previous Question Paper
Forensic Medicine
Date: January 2012 Time: 3hours Max Marks: 40
Instructions: Attempt all questions. (Use separate answer sheet for each section)
1. Enumerate mechanical injuries. Write down in detail about abrasions and its medico-legal
importance. (A. 340, 341) (04)
2. Discuss briefly (06)
a) Recent signs of delivery
b) Adultery
c) Skull fractures (A. 480)
d) Post-mortem findings in starvation
3. Write Short notes on the following.
a) Consent (A. 76)
b) Dyeing declaration (A. 15)
c) Features of nine-month-old foetus
d) Gang rape (A. 688)
e) Rigor mortis (A. 256)
4. Write down signs, symptoms, and treatment and post-mortem findings in a case of dhatura
poisoning. (A. 674, 721,741, 867, 868)
5. Describe briefly:
a) Professional misconduct (A. 39)
b) Sign and symptom of chronic arsenic poisoning (A. 780, B. 502)
c) Treatment of cyanide poisoning (A. 893)
d) Contributory negligence (A. 67)
6. Write Short notes on the following: (10)
a) Mechanical antidote (A. 737)
b) Legal test for insanity(A. 610,611)
c) Plumbism (A. 782) d) Delusion(A. 594)
e) Sign of cobra bite poisoning(A.830)
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