Download JNTUK MBA 4th Sem 2018 April R16MBA402 Entrepreneurship Development Question Paper

Download JNTUK (JNTU-Kakinada) MBA New folder R16MBA402 Entrepreneurship Development Question Paper.

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Subjt Code: R16MBA402
MBA - IV Semester Regular Examinations, April ? 2018
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 60
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B.
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory & Four Questions should be answered from Part-B
All questions carry equal marks of 12.
1 X 12 = 12
SAS Inc was established in the 1970's SAS practices employee friendly policies. Its co-founder and CEO, Dr.
Jim Goodnight (born on 6 January, 1943) has created employee-centric corporate culture. He manages the
largest and most successful private software company in the world, SAS institute. He is amongst the richest
Americans. The company has created a unique corporate culture. To create a satisfied work force, SAS Inc
has always focussed on two aspts of work culture --work life balance and work life benefits. The company
believes that satisfied employees result in satisfied customers.
Employees enjoy the perks offered by the company. The company considers employee perks as long-term
investment in creative capital and not as employee retention costs. Employee-oriented policies contribute
to increased job satisfaction and reduced employee turnover. Company has been enjoying sound position
due to well-satisfied employees and loyal customers. The company has succeeded in creating the work
place as the place to enjoy work. Analysts say that this philosophy had provided SAS with a competitive
edge even during the onomic crisis. On 18 Jun 2010, SAS was named No. 1 on Fortune's '100 Best
Companies to work For' list for 2010.
Moreover, the company CEO did not want to make the company public even if that meant more profits for
the company. According to Goodnight, converting private company into public company would destroy the
company's employee-focused organisational culture bause it would have to work under the pressure of
shareholders. Experts suggest that the SAS business model depicts that employee loyalty and customer
satisfaction is interlinked, and that this is the sret behind the company's success. The company does
everything possible to manage work life balance. However, critics contend that many of the work life
initiatives and employee perks are unessary expenses. Too much employee-centric policies and practices
afft objtively in operations. The basis issues are: 'How much should the company be employee-
1. What is the employee centric corporate culture?
2. How does the company view the employee perks and benefits?
3. What is the sret of success of SAS Inc?
4. Do you think that too much employee orientation is fair? Why?
Page 1 of 2 - FirstRanker's Choice

Subjt Code: R16MBA402
MBA - IV Semester Regular Examinations, April ? 2018
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 60
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B.
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory & Four Questions should be answered from Part-B
All questions carry equal marks of 12.
1 X 12 = 12
SAS Inc was established in the 1970's SAS practices employee friendly policies. Its co-founder and CEO, Dr.
Jim Goodnight (born on 6 January, 1943) has created employee-centric corporate culture. He manages the
largest and most successful private software company in the world, SAS institute. He is amongst the richest
Americans. The company has created a unique corporate culture. To create a satisfied work force, SAS Inc
has always focussed on two aspts of work culture --work life balance and work life benefits. The company
believes that satisfied employees result in satisfied customers.
Employees enjoy the perks offered by the company. The company considers employee perks as long-term
investment in creative capital and not as employee retention costs. Employee-oriented policies contribute
to increased job satisfaction and reduced employee turnover. Company has been enjoying sound position
due to well-satisfied employees and loyal customers. The company has succeeded in creating the work
place as the place to enjoy work. Analysts say that this philosophy had provided SAS with a competitive
edge even during the onomic crisis. On 18 Jun 2010, SAS was named No. 1 on Fortune's '100 Best
Companies to work For' list for 2010.
Moreover, the company CEO did not want to make the company public even if that meant more profits for
the company. According to Goodnight, converting private company into public company would destroy the
company's employee-focused organisational culture bause it would have to work under the pressure of
shareholders. Experts suggest that the SAS business model depicts that employee loyalty and customer
satisfaction is interlinked, and that this is the sret behind the company's success. The company does
everything possible to manage work life balance. However, critics contend that many of the work life
initiatives and employee perks are unessary expenses. Too much employee-centric policies and practices
afft objtively in operations. The basis issues are: 'How much should the company be employee-
1. What is the employee centric corporate culture?
2. How does the company view the employee perks and benefits?
3. What is the sret of success of SAS Inc?
4. Do you think that too much employee orientation is fair? Why?
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4X 12 = 48
2. a) discuss the characteristics and qualities of an entrepreneur?
b) explain the scope of women entrepreneurship in our state?
3. a) explain the problems in corporate entrepreneurship?
b) list out the strategies followed by/success mantra of any two women entrepreneurs?
4. a)explain the emerging trends in entrepreneurship development?
b) explain the chief sources and methods of idea planning?
5. (a) explain the factors inducing the growth of projts?
b) what is the importance of control in projt planning and evaluation?
6. a)describe the role of MSME's in supporting entrepreneurship development?
b) state some remedies to ronstruct small sick business units?
7. what is entrepreneurship development program? Why do universities offer EDP? Are the
universities succeeding in reaching their objtives by offering EDP?
Page 2 of 2 - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 18 November 2019
