Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) A Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) 1st Year (First Year) 2023 July 105001 July 2023 Biochemistry Paper I Previous Question Paper || KUHS MBBS first year question papers
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2010 Scheme
Q.P. Code: 105001
Reg. No.: .....................
First Professional MBBS Degree Supplementary Examinations
July 2023
Biochemistry ? Paper I
Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 50
Answer all questions to the point neatly and legibly ? Do not leave any blank pages between
answers ? Indicate the question number correctly for the answer in the margin space
Answer all parts of a single question together ? Leave sufficient space between answers
Draw table/diagrams/flow charts wherever necessary
1. What are the types of fatty acid oxidation. Explain in detail the oxidation of palmitic
acid and its regulation
Short essays
2. Competitive Inhibition of enzymes with examples
3. Glucose transporters
Short notes
4. Transamination reactions
5. Active transport
6. Von-Gierke's disease
7. Dietary fibre
8. Biologically important peptides
Answer briefly
9. Products of HMP shunt pathway
10. PUFA (Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids)
11. Micelles
12. Why sucrose is a non reducing sugar
13. Classification of Lipoproteins
Give precise answers:
14. Normal range of serum urea and creatinine
15. Define hypoglycemia
16. Name aromatic amino acids
17. Enzyme deficient in Galactosemia
18. Name two causes for hyperlipidemia
This post was last modified on 18 November 2023