Download KUHS MBBS 1st Year 2023 May 116001 May 2023 Biochemistry Paper II Question Paper

Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) A Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) 1st Year (First Year) 2023 May 116001 May 2023 Biochemistry Paper II Previous Question Paper || KUHS MBBS first year question papers

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Q.P. Code: 116001

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First Professional MBBS Degree Supplementary (SAY) Examinations

May 2023

Biochemistry - Paper II

Time: 3 Hours

Total Marks: 100

Answer all questions to the point neatly and legibly ? Do not leave any blank pages between answers ?
Indicate the question number correctly for the answer in the margin space

Answer all parts of a single question together ? Leave sufficient space between answers

Draw table/diagrams/flow charts wherever necessary

Long Essays



42-year-old obese lady presented with intolerance to fatty foods and pain in right

abdominal region. On examination, her eyes were yellowish; stools had clay-colored
appearance. Her investigations revealed the following.
Serum bilirubin -18 mg/dl
Direct bilirubin-17 mg/dl
ALP-400 IU/L

a) What is the probable diagnosis
b) What is the normal serum Bilirubin level
c) Describe the catabolism of Heme.
d) What is the biochemical basis of clay colored stools
e) What will be the probable urinary findings in this patient



Structure, types and functions of immunoglobulins.


Short essays



Normal serum calcium and its regulation.



What are the causes, biochemical findings and compensatory mechanisms in

metabolic acidosis.



Phase I detoxification reaction.


Absorption, transport and storage of iron.


What is the role of buffers in regulating blood pH.

Short answers



List the blot/blotting techniques and the applications of each type.



10. Outline the pathway of purine catabolism.
11. Micro arrays.
12. Role of oxidative stress in pathogenesis of cancer.
Give Precise Answers


13. Enzyme defect in Lesch ? Nyhan syndrome.
14. Functions of iodine.
15. A patient presented with excretion of urine more than 20 litres per day. Specific gravity

of his urine sample was 1.002. What is your diagnosis.

16. Degeneracy of genetic code.
17. What is the role of Telomerase enzyme.
18. Fastest moving plasma protein in electrophoresis is---------
19. Two copper containing enzymes.
20. Name four oncogenes.
21. One example for Prion disease.
22. Reference interval of serum sodium and potassium.


This post was last modified on 18 November 2023
