Download KUHS MBBS 1st Year 2019 Scheme 114001 February 2023 Physiology II Question Paper

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2019 Scheme

Q.P. Code: 114001

Reg. no.: .....................

First Professional MBBS Degree Regular/Supplementary Examinations

February 2023

Physiology II

Time: 3 Hours

Total Marks: 100

Answer all questions to the point neatly and legibly ? Do not leave any blank pages between answers

Indicate the question number correctly for the answer in the margin space

Answer all parts of a single question together ? Leave sufficient space between answers

Draw table/diagrams/flow charts wherever necessary

Long Essays



A 69-year-old man goes to consult his physician. As he sits in the waiting room, he is

observed to have tremors in his hands and fingers. His face is unexpressive and he

makes few movements. When he is invited to enter the physician's office, he has

difficulty in standing up. He walks slowly into the office, and his arms do not swing

appreciably. When he talks to the physician, his speech is monotonous but he shows

no intellectual deficit. There was no sensory loss. The stretch reflexes were normal

and the muscles exhibited rigidity.

a) What is your diagnosis

b) Which part of the nervous system is involved in this disease

c) Explain the connections and functions of the part of the nervous system


d) Why are the movements so few and slow

e) What is the treatment



Describe the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Explain their physiological actions and

add a note on hypo secretion of thyroid hormones.


Short essays



Describe the hormonal regulation of menstrual cycle. Add a note on menopause.


Describe the molecular basis of skeletal muscle contraction. Add a note on rigor



Describe the mechanism of appreciation of sound waves and explain the theories of



With the aid of a diagram describe the pain pathway from right lower limb.


Explain the stretch reflex with the aid of a diagram of the muscle spindle.

Write briefly



Compare and contrast the functions of epinephrine and nor-epinephrine. Add a note

on pheochromocytoma


Draw, label and explain the sodium ? potassium pump. What happens if it stops


10. Name the contents and describe the functions of middle ear.

11. Describe the actions of vasopressin and add a note on Diabetes Insipidus

12. Draw a neat labelled diagram of a taste bud and describe the taste pathway.

One word Answers


13. Loss of memory is called ---------

14. Paralysis of both the lower limbs is called --------

15. Increased secretion of growth hormone after puberty is called ---------

16. Cushing's syndrome is due to hypersecretion of -----------

17. Normal blood Calcium level is ........................

18. Permanent method of sterilization in females is -----------

19. Milk ejection reflex is brought about by --------------

20. Decrease in sperm count is called ------------

21. The receptor for dim light vision is ----------

22. Intention tremor is seen in ...............


This post was last modified on 18 November 2023
