Download RTMNU (Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University) B.Pharma (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 2nd Semester 2015 Winter Pharmaceutical Analysis 1 Question Paper
Classify with example types ofcomplexometric titration
explain procedures to increase selectivity of
complexometric titration. 10
Enlist factors a?ecting stability of complexes. Discuss
in detail eiTect of pH. on stability of complexes. 5
What is redox equilibrium constant ? Explain redox
titration curve. 10
Write a note on Redox indicators with example. 5
What is the theory of Acid-Base titration ? What is
common ion effect ? 10
Write principle and procedure of assay for Borie
Acid. 5
What are the properties considered during selection
of solvent and write in short about different solvents
used in non-aqueous titration ? 10
Write advantages and limitation of Non-aqueous
titration. 5
Write theory of precipitation titration and explain in
brief Volhard method. 10
Write a note on Errors in analysis. 5
MVM?46555 2 425
B.Pharm. (Second Semester) (C.B.S.) Examination
Tirne?Three Hours] [Full Marks?8O
N.B. :? (1) Question N0. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Solve any FOUR questions from the remaining.
(3) Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
(4) Use of electronic calculator is permitted.
1. Solve any FIVE of the following :? 20 (4 Marks each)
(a) De?ne Normality and Molarity with suitable examples.
(b) Classify non aqueous solvents with suitable example.
(0) Defme ligands. Classify them with example.
((1) Give preparation and standardization ofEDTA solution
(e) Write in short about iodimetry and idometry.
(t) Write short notes on Redox Indicators with example.
(g) Write a note on post precipitation.
2. (a) What is gravimetric analysis. Outline various techniques
involved in gravimetrie analysis. 10
(b) Discuss Precipitation and Co-precipitation. 5
MVM?46555 1 (Contd)
This post was last modified on 19 January 2020