Download RTMNU (Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University) B.Pharma (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 2nd Semester 2016 Summer Human Anatomy and Physiology 2 Question Paper
and physiology of different brain regions. 15
3. (a) Discuss in detail about the process of urine formation. B. Pharm. Semester-II (C.B.S.) Examination
. . . . P ?III : 2T
(b) Explaln counter current multlpller mechanlsm to aper 3
establish osmotic gradient in urine formation. 5
Time?Three Hours] [Maximum Marks?80
4. (a) Explain the digestive and absorptive mechanisms in _
N.B.:? (1) Questlon N0. 1 compulsory.
the small intestine. 10
(2) Solve .any FOUR questions from the
(b) Describe the internal structure of small intestine. 5 remammg.
. . ~ . _ . (3) Draw neat labelled diagram wherever
5. Dlscuss the mternal structure of eye Involved In VISIOI?I. necessary.
Explain the exact mechanism involved in physiology of
Vision. 15 1. Solve any FIVE from Q. No. 1 :
. . . . a Disc 35 the d'ff t1 t ' th k? ?th
6. Descrlbe the varlous hormones, thelr functlons and ( ) suitagle diagr?neren ayers presen 1n e S m W1
regulations secreted by pituitary gland. 15
(b) Draw a .well labelled structure of ear and mention
7. Explain organisations and functions of autonomic nervous ?5 fmetlons.
system 1n detall. 15 (c) Mention the secretions and ?mctions of adrenal gland.
((1) Explain the organization and functions of Brain stem.
(e) Discuss the regulation of gastric secretions.
(1) Write physical characteristics and composition of
(g) Draw a well labelled sturcture 0f nephron and explain
it. 4X5=20
MXP?N?371 1 2 1250 MXP?N?371 1 1 Contd.
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