Download RTMNU (Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University) B.Pharma (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 3rd Semester 2017 Winter Pharmaceutical Chemistry 3 (Organic) Question Paper
B.Pharm. Third Semester (CBS) Examination
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
NB. :? (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any four questions out of remaining.
(3) Discuss the reaction, mechanism wherever necessary.
1. Solve any five of the following :
(a) Benzene gives substitution reaction rather than addition. Justify.
(b) Write about keto-enol tautomerism.
(c) How will you differentiate 1?, 2? and 3? amines ?
(d) Carboxylic acids are stronger acids than phenols, explain.
(e) Explain Satze??s and Markonikov's rule with suitable example.
(1) Why Carbonyl compounds gives nucleophilic addition reactions ?
(g) Addition of HBr to propene in the presence of peroxide yields n-propyl bromide, Explain.
2. Give a detailed account of electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction including mechanism, reactivity
and orientation. 15
3. Depict and discuss the mechanism of following reactions (any three) :
(a) 2 moles of Acetaldehyde + sod.hydroxide ?> ?
(b) Propane + Chlorine + UV light ?> ?
(c) Benzene + Nitric acid + Sulfuric acid ?> ?
(d) Phenol + Chloroform + Aq. NaoH ?> ?
(e) Isobutylene + Isobutane + Conc. HZSO4 ?> ? 5X3=15
4. What are Aliphatic nucleoph?ic substitution reactions ? Discuss in detail SN1 and SN2 reactions. 15
5. How will you plan for the following synthesis, staIting from benzene (any three) ?
(a) Phenyl acetic acid
(b) 1?pheny1?azo?2?naphthol
(c) 3?bromo?4?amino toluene
(d) M?nitrobenzophenone
(e) Salicylaldehyde 5X3=15
6. (A) What are organomettalic compounds ? Discuss in detail about their preparation and synthetic
applications. 10
(B) Enlist the various methods of preparation of aldehydes and ketones. 5
7. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) Functional derivatives of carboxylic acids
(b) Benzyl radical and its stability
(c) Hof?nan degradation of amides
((1) E2 reaction
(e) Aromaticity. 5 X 3:15
This post was last modified on 19 January 2020