Download RTMNU (Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University) B.Pharma (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 4th Semester 2015 Winter Pharmaceutical Analysis 2 (Electroanalytical and Physical Methods) Question Paper
Fourth Semester Examination for the Degree
of Bachelor of Pharmacy
Paper - 4T3
Time : Three Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
N. B. :(1) Question N0. 1 is Compulsory.
(2) Solve any four questions from the remaining.
(3) Draw neat labeled diagram wherever neces?
(4) Use of electronic calculator is permitted.
1. Solve any five questions of the following :?
(a) Describe the various factors effecting TG curve.
(b) Define specific and molar refraction.
(c) Write the methods for detecting end point in
potentiometric titration.
((1) Write about derivative and pulse polarography.
(e) Give the applications of differential scanning
(f) Write a note lon electrogravimetry.
(g) Explain in brief about construction and working
of Abbe?s refractometer. 4x5=20
2. Discuss in brief about theory, applications and limitations
of conductometric titrations. 15
NTK/KW/ 15 ?6989 Contd.
3. (21) Write the theory of polorography and give the
significance of Ilkovic equation. 8
(b) Write the principle and applications of
amperometric titrations. 7
4. (a) Describe in detail reference and indicator electrodes
used in potentiometry. 8
(b) What is the theory of differential thermal analysis?
Give its application. 7
5. Describe in detail instrumentation and applications of
polarimetry. Give the factors affecting angle of rotation.
6. Define thermogravimetry. Explain various factors
affecting TG curves with suitable example. Mention
application of thermogravimetry. 15
7. Write short notes on any three of the following :?
(a) Standard electrode potential.
(b) Recent advantages in polarography.
(c) Pharmaceutical applications of DTA and DSC.
((1) Karl Fischer titration. 3X5=15
NTK/KW/IS ?6989 2 430
This post was last modified on 19 January 2020