Download MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) 1st Year Biochemistry Paper II Important Questions (Question Bank)
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MBBS First Year Biochemistry Paper-II Important Question
Essay Questions:
1. Write in detail about the absorption, transport, daily requirement and
deficiency Manifestation of Iron.
2. Write in details about the initiation, elongation and termination of
transcription. Give an account of post transcriptional processing.
3. Describe the role of plasma and renal buffers in maintaining acid base
4. What is cloning? Mention the various types of cloning. Describe in detail
the steps involved in recombinant DNA technology.
5. Enumerate the liver function tests and how Vanden Bergh test
distinguishes different types of jaundice.
6. Describe the metabolism of tyrosine. Name the inborn errors associated
with this pathway
7. What are the functions of sodium in the body? What is the reference range
for levels of serum sodium? Describe the working of the renin-angiotensin-
aldosterone system to maintain optimal amounts of sodium in the body.
Briefly discuss disorders associated with derangements in sodium
8. With the help of a figure, describe the process by which DNA replication
takes place in a cell.
9. Describe the role of the kidney to maintain the pH of blood. What
are the compensatory mechanisms the kidney will adopt to maintain
pH in the presence of metabolic acidosis?
10. List the parameters that are commonly used in clinical practice as
indicators to assess the functions of the liver. Explain the basis of the
use of these parameters in assessment of liver function. Briefly discuss
medical conditions in which these parameters become abnormal.
11. What is the normal pH of blood. Describe the various mechanisms which
maintain it? Mention the acid base disorders.
12. Describe the catabolism of Heme in the body. Explain the different types
of jaundice. How do you investigate a case of jaundice?
13. Explain Protein synthesis in detail. Add a note on drugs that inhibit protein
14. Name the Aromatic Aminoacids. Add a note on physiologically important
derivatives of tyrosine.
15. Discuss in detail the replication of DNA. Mention the inhibitors of
16. Describe recombinant DNA technology. Explain the different techniques
with its application.
17. What is the reference range for serum uric acid? What is the source of
uric acid in the body? What is its ultimate fate? Discuss causes of
abnormalities in levels of serum uric acid.
18. Describe in detail about the Synthesis of Tyrosine and its metabolic
19. Describe in detail about the formation and transport of ammonia in our
body. Add a note on Urea cycle
20. What is a Buffer? Describe in detail about the Renal Regulation of Blood pH.
21. What is polymerase chain reaction? Write a note on the steps
involved in PCR and its applications.
22. Name the important buffer systems in the body. Describe in detail the role
of lungs and kidneys in maintenance of acid base balance.
23. Brief about the conversion of phenylalanine to tyrosine.
Describe in detail about phenylketonurias.
24. Write briefly the mechanisms by which the pH of the body fluids is
regulated. Add a note on acid base disturbances with examples.
25. Write in detail about ammonia production, transport and disposal. Add a
note on disorders of urea cycle.
26. Describe the primary, secondary, tertiary and quatenary structure of
27. Explain the biochemical basis of clinical features of porphyrias.
28. Name the Plasma Proteins. Explain the role of Albumin and other Transport
29. Write in details about the Importance, Applications and Steps of
Polymerase Chain Reaction.
30. What is the normal pH of blood? Discuss how the pH of blood is
31. Discuss the metabolism of Phenylalanine. Write a note on the inborn
error associated with Phenylalanine.
Short Answer Questions:
1. Competitive inhibition of enzyme activity
2. Biochemical features seen in blood and urine of a patient with hemolytic
3. Functions of Vita ? C
4. Anaplerotic role of citric acid cycle
5. Isoenzymes of Lactate dehydrogenase and their significance
6. Functions, Deficiency Symptoms of Vita Thiae
7. Calcium homeostasis and its disorder
8. Metabolic adaptation in Fed state
9. What are the various muco polysaccharides Add a note
10. on hyaluronic acid
11. Line Weaver Burk's Plot and its significance
12. Enzymes, coenzymes, inhibitors of Pyruvate
13. Dehydrogenase Reaction
14. Alcohol metabolism
15. Fredrickson's classification of hyperlipprotenemias
16. Mention the types of heteropolysaccharides and their functions
17. Cardiolipin
18. Mention the types of fatty acid oxidation
19. What are the products of Arachidonic acid?
20. Carnitine
21. Anomerism
22. How Haemoglobin binds to oxygen
23. Km Value and its significance
24. Bronze Diabetes
25. WHO criteria for Diagnosis of Diabetes mellitus
26. Zellweger's syndrome
27. Active form of Vita D and its biochemical role
28. Catabolism of Hemoglobin
29. Protein energy malnutrition
30. Ketogenesis
31. Fatty acid synthase complex
32. Glycogen Metabolism
33. Enzyme inhibition
34. Glycosylated hemoglobin
35. Oxidation phosphorylation
36. Regulation of blood glucose
37. Zymogen
38. Name two zinc containing enzymes
39. Ferritin
40. Define Km
41. Functions of selenium
42. What are cytochromes?
43. Brown adipose tissue
44. Lactose intolerance
45. Define respiratory quotient
46. Functions of Vita K
47. Role of Niacin as Coenzyme
48. Classification of hyperlipidemias and their clinical importance
49. Sphingolipidoses
50. Biochemical role of Vita C
51. Cori's cycle and Glucose Alanine cycle
52. High Density Lipoprotein cycle
53. Glycogenolysis
54. Isomerism in carbohydrates
55. Balanced Diet
56. Fructose intolerance
57. Markers for lysosomes and mitochondria
58. Fluorosis
59. Role of Apo CII
60. Define metalloenzymes with examples
61. Pulmonary surfactant ? Structure and clinical importance
62. Iodine number and its importance
63. What is the function of Lipoprotein lipase?
64. Structure of lecithin
65. Net Protein Utilization
66. Chondroitin sulphate - Structure
67. Double Reciprocal plot
68. Alkaline phosphatase as a diagnostic tool
69. What are the different forms of calcium in blood?
70. RDA and functions of Iodine
71. Why Arachidonic acid is not considered `purely' an essential fatty acid?
72. Define Gluconeogenesis and explain the various steps
73. Formation and fate of Pyruvate
74. Biological value of Proteins
75. Enumerate the compounds derived from cholesterol and mention their
biochemical functions
76. Synthesis and regulation of Porphyrins
77. Structure and functions of Mitochondria
78. Reverse Cholesterol Transport and Anti - Atherogenic effect of HDL
79. Wald's Visual Cycle and Deficiency Manifestation of Vita A
80. IsoEnzymes - Definition and Examples
81. Iron ? Dietary sources, factors affecting dietary iron absorption, transport
82. storage, causes and clinical features of Iron deficiency anemia
83. Lactic acidosis
84. Explain why B deficiency causes macrocytic anemia
85. How are dietary lipids distributed after digestion and absorption?
86. Phospholipids
87. Types, functions, tissue specificity and physiological relevance of glucose
88. transporters relevant to insulin secretion and action
89. Importance of HbAc testing
90. Wernicke-Karsakoff syndrome
91. What is the effect of non-competitive inhibition of Km and Vmax?
92. Schematic representation of the electron transport chain
93. Carnitine transport
94. Vita K cycle
95. Metabolic basis of role of aspirin as an anti-platelet agent
96. Importance of HbAc testing
97. Wernicke-Karsakoff syndrome
98. What are metalloenzymes? Give two examples
99. What is glycemic index? Mention two examples of high glycemic index
100. Limiting aoacids with examples
101. Mechanism of action of methotrexate and dicoumarol
102. Fluorosis
103. Hemochromatosis
104. Serum lipid profile
105. Refsum's disease
106. Essential pentosuria
107. Lecithin sphingomyelin ratio
108. Biochemical functions of Vita B
109. Functions of calcium
110. Glucose transporters
111. Von Gierke disease
112. Metabolism in adipose tissue during starvation
113. Functions of endoplasmic reticulum
114. Dietary fiber
115. Physiological importance of glycogenolysis
116. Define BMR Give its value
117. Antiatherogenic role of high density lipoprotein cholesterol
118. IUBMB classification of enzymes
119. Cori cycle
120. Suicide inhibition of enzymes
121. Importance of brown fat
122. Importance of sphingomyelin
123. Significance of hexose mono phosphate shunt
124. Galactosemia
125. Dietary fiber
126. Reverse cholesterol transport
127. Iron absorption
128. Uncouplers of electron transport chain
129. Beriberi
130. Niemann-Pick disease
131. Any two mucopolysaccharides ?location and its functions
Rapoport Luebering shunt
133. Glycated hemoglobin
134. Essential fatty acids
135. Reactions catalyzed by biotin
136. Anti-oxidant vitas and erals
137. Wilson's disease
138. What is the effect of non-competitive inhibition of Km and Vmax?
139. Schematic representation of the electron transport chain
Carnitine transport
141. Vita K cycle
142. Metabolic basis of role of aspirin as an anti-platelet agent
143. Active Transport with Examples
144. Iron ? Dietary sources, factors affecting dietary iron absorption,
transport and
145. storage, causes and clinical features of Iron deficiency anemia
146. Metabolism of Ketone Bodies
147. Write important difference between Ricketes and Ostomalacia
What is the role of gamma - Carboxylation in coagulations
Name the enzyme defect in Niemann Pick disease Gaucher disease
Name two components of metabolic syndrome
Name the enzyme defect in Pentosuria
Name of the defect in Refsum's Disease
153. Name of difference between Coenzyme and Cofactor
154. Insulin and its Clinical importance
155. Name a Vth complex of ETC
156. Define active site of enzymes
157. Glycosidic Bond and Clinically important Glycosides
158. Name two Functions of endo plasmic recticulum
159. Name three essential fatty acids
160. Name the enzyme require for Glucuronidation of bilirubin
161. Daily requirement of Vita A for an adult
162. Name the defect in Menke's disease
163. Name the enzyme defect in Von-gierke's disease
164. Name one Role of Phospholipase A
165. Name three vitas involved in PDH complex
166. Fatty Liver-Causes including role of Lipotrophic Factors
167. Vita C-Sources, RDA, Functions and Deficiency Manifestations
168. PDH
169. Dyslipidemias
170. Apolipoproteins
171. Metabolism of Adipose tissue in fasting condition
172. Fate of Oxaloacetate
173. Liver Enzymes
Functions of Magnesium
175. Dietary fibres
176. Cytochrome P Functions of Phospholipids
177. Suicide Inhibition
178. Causes for Abnormal GTT Curves
179. Biologically important peptides
180. Biological value of proteins
181. Competitive enzyme inhibition
183. Fatty liver
184. Inhibitors of Citric acid Cycle
185. Cholesterol lowering action of FIBRATES
186. One Carbon compound
187. Functions of Copper
188. Biochemical alteration in PEM Protein Energy Malnutrition
189. Conjugations
190. Stereoisomerism
191. Actions of Insulin
192. Hyperglycemic Hormones
193. Glycolysis in RBC
194. Shuttle pathways across mitochondrial membranes
195. Ocular changes in vita A deficiency
196. Amphipathic lipids
197. Kwashiorkor
198. Enzymes in diagnosis of Myocardial infarction
199. Biochemical functions of zinc
200. Hormones that regulate blood calcium level
201. Mechanism of cyanide poisoning
202. Metabolism of glucose--phosphate
203. Lipoprotein lipase
204. Cori cycle
205. Bile salts ? Synthesis & biological role
206. Write briefly about calcium homeostasis
207. Coenzymic role of Pyridoxine
208. Factors regulating blood calcium
209. Wilson's disease
210. Define isoenzymes and give two examples
211. Specific dynamic action
212. Chemiosmotic theory
213. Von Gierke's disease
214. Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
215. Ionophores
216. Oral glucose tolerance test
Deficiency manifestations of vita D
218. Biochemical functions of Iron
219. What is the function of mitochondria in a cell?
220. What is the mechanism of action of statins? What is the therapeutic
use of this group of
221. drugs?
222. List dietary sources and biochemical functions of vita C in the body
223. Explain the mechanism of action of cyanide as a poison
List good dietary sources of iodine What is the function of this eral in
the body?
225. Enzyme defect and commonest clinical feature in von Gierke's
226. What is meant by glycaemic index of food?
227. List differences between marasmus and kwashiorkor?
228. Role of carnitine in beta-oxidation of fatty acids
229. Covalent modification of enzymes in regulation of enzyme activities
230. Lactose intolerance
231. What is the importance of the pentose phosphate pathway in the
232. Gluconeogenesis, with reference to definition, substrates, sites and
importance in the
233. Role of vita D in the body
234. Causes of iron deficiency and manifestations of such deficiency
235. Isoenzymes, with reference to definition, examples and clinical
236. Passive Transport Mechanisms
237. Briefly explain the chemiosmotic hypothesis of Mitchel
238. What is meant by dietary fibre? Explain its importance in one's diet
239. Explain the folate trap hypothesis
240. What is surfactant? Explain its importance in the body in health and
241. Explain, with a diagram, the fluid mosaic model of cel membranes
242. What are good dietary sources of iron?
243. Explain how iron is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
244. Explain how the activity of an enzyme is affected by the pH of the
245. What are the functions of calcium in the body?
246. Describe the functions and deficiency manifestations of vita A
247. Explain the mechanism of action of cyanide as a poison
248. List differences between hexokinase and glucokinase
249. Give examples of drugs that act as inhibitors of enzyme and
name the enzyme that each one inhibits
Explain the role of , bisphosphoglycerate in supply of oxygen to
251. List differences between foetal and adult forms of haemoglobin
252. Why do patients with cholelithiasis often pass clay-coloured stools?
253. What is meant by the metabolic syndrome? What is the significance
of this condition?
254. Write two functions & RDA of pyridoxine
255. List differences between marasmus and kwashiorkor?
256. Give two examples of substrate level phosphorylation
257. Thyroid function Tests
258. Recombinant DNA Technology
259. Structure of DNA
260. Post transcriptional modifications
261. Functions of albumin
262. Electrophoresis and its applications
263. Causes for respiratory acidosis
Renal mechanism of maintaining Acid Base Balance
265. Purine Salvage pathway
266. Lac Operon concept
267. Enzyme defect in aPhenylketonuria b Alkaptonuria
268. DNA polymerase enzyme
269. Types of mutations
270. Reverse Transcriptase
271. Inhibitors of RNA synthesis
272. Features of Genetic Code
273. Gout
274. Name Renal Function Tests
275. Denaturation of proteins
276. Name enzymes that are increase in hepatic jaundice
277. Transamination reaction and its significance
278. Homocystinuria
279. Bicarbonate buffer system
280. Hyperkalemia
281. Define electrophoresis and mention its applications
282. Renal tubular function tests
283. Urinary findings in jaundice
284. Methemoglobin
285. Structure of immunoglobulin
286. Regulation of heme synthesis
287. Operon concept
288. Define PCR and mention its four applications
289. Essential amino acids
290. Structure of tRNA
291. Restriction endonucleases
292. Post-translational modifications of proteins
293. What is creatine clearance? Write the normal value of it
294. Sources of ammonia in the body and its metabolism
295. Functions of glycine in the body
296. Heavy metal poisonings
297. Disorders associated with potassium homeostasis
298. Functions of nucleotides
299. List applications of electrophoresis in medicine
300. List the different types of immunoglobulins
301. Outline the reaction by which deoxynucleotides are formed in a cel
302. ribonucleotides
Explain the anti-neoplastic effect of methotrexate
304. List the biochemical abnormalities seen in phenylketonuria
305. What are the compensatory changes that occur in response to
respiratory acidosis?
306. Outline the mechanism of action of glucagon
307. What is reference range of sodium Write causes of hyponatremia
308. What is the function of cytochrome P in the body?
309. Structure of mRNA
310. Liver function tests
311. ELISA
312. Isoelectric pH of proteins
313. Wilson's Disease
314. Laboratory diagnosis of Phenylketonuria
315. Chloride shift
316. DNA repair mechanism
317. Plasma buffers
318. Gene Therapy
319. Functions of Albumin
320. Oratic Aciduria
321. Laboratory investigations in different types of Jaundice
322. Structure of DNA
323. Paper Chromatography
324. Transmethylation Reactions
325. Pancreatic function Tests
326. Alkaptonuria
327. Acute Intermittent Porphyria
328. Sickle cel Disease
329. Bile salts
330. Renal Glomerular function tests
Anion Gap
332. Okazaki fragments
333. Laboratory investigations in different types of Jaundice
334. Structure of DNA
335. Paper Chromatography
336. Transmethylation Reactions
Pancreatic function Tests
338. Alkaptonuria
339. Acute Intermittent Porphyria
340. Sickle cel Disease
341. Bile salts
342. Renal Glomerular function tests
Anion Gap
344. Okazaki fragments
Write about post transcriptional processing Mention about post
346. inhibitors
347. Describe about the various patterns of diseases in protein
Carcinoid syndrome
350. Write about urea cycle disorders
351. Write about acute phase and negative acute phase protein
352. What are the derivatives of aromatic amino acids? Write about
353. High anion gap metabolic acidosis
354. Write about alpha I antitrypsin and diseases associated with it
355. Important functions of serine
356. Types of DNA repair mechanism Write in detail about any one repair
357. OXPHOS Oxidative phosphorylation diseases
358. Hybridoma technology & its application
359. DNA repair mechanism
360. Glutathione
361. Tests to assess renal tubular function
362. Polymerase chain reaction
363. Metabolic acidosis
364. Applications of electrophoresis
365. Lesch?Nyhan's syndrome
366. Products formed from glycine
367. Maple syrup urine disease
368. Inhibitors of transcription
369. Histamine
370. Gamma amino butyric acid
371. Phase II reaction of xenobiotics
372. Functions of parathormone
373. Nitric oxide
374. Post translational modifications with examples
375. Blotting techniques
Classify jaundice based on liver function tests
377. Structure of collagen
378. Classes of Immunoglobulins
379. Structure of tRNA
380. Lead poisoning
381. Secondary hyperuricemias
382. Draw normal protein electrophoretic pattern
383. Secondary structure of proteins
384. Classification of aminoacids based on metabolic fate
385. Hartnup's disease
386. Microalbuminuria and its importance
Reactive oxygen species
388. DNA fingerprinting
389. Tests done to assess synthetic functions of liver
390. Properties of genetic code
391. Respiratory acidosis
392. Importance and applications of recombinant DNA technology
393. Proteinuria
394. Importance of transamination reaction
395. Causes of secondary gout
396. Enzymes as tumour markers
397. Point mutation
398. Denaturation reactions of proteins
399. Cystinosis
400. Melatonin
401. Normal value of plasma osmolality and urine osmolality
402. Orotic aciduria
403. Cell cycle
404. Renal function tests
405. Metabolism of catecholamines
406. Metabolic alterations induced by alcohol metabolism
407. Functions of proteins and enzymes involved in DNA replication
408. Tests done to assess biosynthetic functions of liver
409. Cystinuria
410. Transamination
411. Principle of electrophoresis technique
412. Four synthetic analogues of purine and pyrimidine bases used as
413. agent
414. DNA finger printing
415. Oxygen dissociation curve of hemoglobin
416. Markers of cholestasis
417. Henderson - Hasselbalch equation
418. Laboratory diagnosis of multiple myeloma
419. Mechanism of action of allopurinol
420. Mutation
Types, properties and functions of different classes of
422. Congenital jaundice
423. Genomic library
424. Products formed from tryptophan
425. Name one disease related to point Mutations
426. Name enzymes of Pancreatic injury
427. Uric Acid levels in a Male b Female
428. Write formula to calculate Anion gap
BMI value in a Normal Individual b Obesity
430. Restriction Endo nuclear sticky ? Meaning
431. Name the defect Dubin ? Johnson syndrome
432. Name the Amino Acids involved in Polyamines
433. Name Anti Oxidant Vitamins, Anti Oxidant Mineral
434. Role of poly `A' Tail
435. DNA Repair Mechanisms
436. Balanced Diet and Glycemic Index
437. Proteinuria ?Types and Characteristic Protein present in urine in
each type Gene
438. Name lab test to detect sickle cel disease
439. Name differences of B form and A form DNA
440. Name lab test to detect sickle cel disease
441. Name differences of B form and A form DNA
442. Collagen
443. ABG and Interpretation of Results
444. Genetic Code
445. Compounds derived from Glycine and their functions
446. Hyperammonemias
447. Copper metabolism and its applied aspects
448. Telomerase and its application
449. Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
450. Inhibitors of Purine nucleotide biosynthesis
451. Metabolic Acidosis
452. Absorption of dietary Iron
453. Biochemical features of Cancer cells
454. Conjugation reactions in Xenobiotics
This post was last modified on 19 June 2021