Download OU (Osmania University) M.Pharma-Pharmacology (Master of Pharmacy) 2nd Semester 2019 13327 PCI Advanced Pharmacology Ii Previous Question Paper
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Code No. 13327 / PCI
M. Pharmacy (Pharmacology) II ? Semester (PCI) (Main) Examination,
August 2019
Subject: Advanced Pharmacology ? II
Time: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 75
Note: Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1 a) Discuss abt insulin preparations. 5
b) Write the pharmacology of glucocorticoids. 10
2 a) Write notes on oral contraceptives. 7
b) Explain the mechanisms of resistance of antimicrobial agents. 8
3 a) Classify pencillins. Write the mechanism of action, adverse effects and therapeutic
uses of pencillins. 8
b) Discuss abt HAART t herapy of HIV. 7
4 a) Explain abt unwanted inflammatory and immune responses. 7
b) Discuss abt alkylating agents used in cancer therapy. 8
5 a) Classify drugs used for bronchial asthma. Discuss abt bronchodilators. 7
b) Explain abt differe nt approaches for treatment of peptic ulcer. 8
6 a) Classify antifungal drugs. Discuss the pharmacology of amphotericin B. 8
b) Discuss abt treatment of diarrhea. 7
7 a) Write short notes on generation of free radicals. 7
b) What is chronotherapy? Discuss abt chronotherapy of asthma. 8
8 a) Discuss abt role of free radicals in etiopathology of cancer. 7
b) Discuss abt recent advances in treatment of Parkinsonism. 8
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This post was last modified on 19 July 2020