Download OU B-Tech First Year 2015 June 9359 Faculty Of Engineering and Informatics Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Tech (Bachelor of Technology) First Year (1st Year) 2015 June 9359 Faculty Of Engineering and Informatics Question Paper

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Code No 9359 / N
B.E. / B.Tech. I - Year (New)(Main) Examination, May / June 2015
Subject : Programming in C & C++
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
Note: Answer all questions from Part - A and answer any five questions from Part -B.
PART A (25 Marks)
Convert the given Binary number into its equivalent Octal and Hexadecimal number
systems. (2)
(i) 11101110 (ii) 10.11011101
2 Draw a flowchart to find the sum of any 'n' numbers.
3 Write a code to find the all even numbers in any array.
4 Write a code to print the Command line arguments. (2)
5 What is self referential pointer? Give example.
6 Explain the random accessing of the file. (2)
7 What is use of default argument?
8 What is destructor? (2)
9 What is the need of template functions? (2)
10 How static member of a class can be initialized and accessed. Give example.
PART --13 (5O Marks)
11 (a) What are the components of the coMputr? Explain the functions of each
component. (6)
(b) Write a program to find the _su m of all digits of a number.
12 (a) Write a program to find te second maximum in an array using function.
(b) What are the various ' : pre-processor directives or commands and explain them
with simple prowp_11*,.,
13 (a) Write a program to copy the content of one file into another.
(b) Explain,the defining and initializing the structure variable and structure pointers.
14 (a) Writ6,a program to overload << operator.
(b) ,Define'a
Class called 'Figure', member function area () to find area and
4with different number of arguments
(ii) with default argument
(iii) with object of Figure as argument
15 (a) What is exception? Explain exception handling with example.
(b) Explain the dynamic binding with example.
16 (a) Explain type conversion with example.
(b) Write a C-program to multiply two matrices of size N x N.
17 Write the short notes on the following:
(a) Different access specifiers used in C++ (4)
(b) Virtual functions
(c) New and delete operators
(3) - FirstRanker's Choice

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