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Exam Date: 07-Oct-2020
Exam Time: 15:00-18:00
Examination: 1. Course Code - M.A./M.Sc./M.C.A.
2. Field of Study - SOCIOLOGY (SOCM)

Question No.1 (Question Id - 74)
At which Interval the Census of India is conducted after Independence ?
10 Years (Correct Answer)
11 Years
9 Years
None of the above
Question No.2 (Question Id - 39)
Who among the following argues in his book "Racism Without Racists" that racism still
exists in the West?
Michael Mann
Eduardo Bonilla-Silva (Correct Answer)
Ken Plummer
Anthony Giddens
Question No.3 (Question Id - 24)
Who among the following thinkers introduced the `Ecological Approach' in Indian
Sociology ?
G.S. Ghurye
Mckim Marriot
Radhakamal Mukerjee (Correct Answer)
Yogendra Singh
Question No.4 (Question Id - 67)
Who said, "Neither the life of an individual nor the history of a society can be understood
without understanding both" ?
Anthony Giddens
C. Wright Mills (Correct Answer)
Charles H. Cooley
Emile Durkheim
Question No.5 (Question Id - 44)
A - II, B - III, C - IV, D - I
A - IV, B - I, C - II, D - III (Correct Answer)
A - III, B - II, C - IV, D - I

A - II, B - III, C - I, D - IV
Question No.6 (Question Id - 89)
Social Darwinism represents the theoretical school of :
British Evolutionism (Correct Answer)
American Diffusionism
German Idealism
French Structuralism
Question No.7 (Question Id - 48)
Who are the following associated with civilization perspective ?
A. B.R. Ambedkar
B. Ranajit Guha
C. N.K. Bose
D. Surajit Singh
E. None of the above
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below :
A and C only
A and B only
C and D only (Correct Answer)
E only
Question No.8 (Question Id - 79)
Who is the author of `Annihilation of Caste' ?
Bheem Rao Ambedkar (Correct Answer)
Jyotiba Phule
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Kanshi Ram
Question No.9 (Question Id - 28)
Who among these divided the `crowd' into two categories: `Homogenous' and
`Heterogeneous' ?
Max Weber
GustaveLe Bon (Correct Answer)
Eric Erickson
Sigmund Freud
Question No.10 (Question Id - 93)
Which of the following is/are true ?
A. Snow ball sampling technique is a non-probability sample
B. Quota sampling technique is a probability sample
C. Purposive sampling technique is a non-probability sample
D. Cluster sampling technique is a probability sample
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
A and B are true
C and D are true (Correct Answer)
Only B is true
Only D is true
Question No.11 (Question Id - 76)

Given below are two statements : one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is
labelled as Reason R.
Assertion A :
The enumeration of all the people of a country is done through Census.
Reason R :
The enumeration through Census is easy as it is a Sample Survey.
In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given
Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
A is true but R is false (Correct Answer)
A is false but R is true
Question No.12 (Question Id - 92)
Santhal is a tribal community who mostly reside in the state of :
Odisha (Correct Answer)
Tamil Nadu
Question No.13 (Question Id - 70)
Which of the following statements is true ?
A. A social relationship will be called "communal" if and so far as the orientation of social
action - whether in the individual case, on the average, or in the pure type - is based on
subjective feeling of the parties, whether effectual or traditional, that they belong
B. A social relationship will be called "associative" if and in so far as the orientation of
social action within it rests on a rationally motivated adjustment of interests or a similarly
motivated agreement, whether the basis of rational judgment be absolute values or
reasons of expediency.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
Both A and B are false
Both A and B are true (Correct Answer)
A is true and B is false
A is false and B is true
Question No.14 (Question Id - 64)
A systematic empirical inquiry in which the researcher does not have direct control of
independent variables because their manifestations have already occurred or because
they are inherently not manipulable, and inferences about relations amongst variables
are made, without direct intervention, from concomitant variations of independent and
dependent variables is called :
Grounded theory
Experimental Research
Case Study
Ex-post-facto research (Correct Answer)
Question No.15 (Question Id - 23)
Who defined power as `the chance of a man or a number of men to realize their own will
in a communal action even against the resistance of others who are participating in the
action' ?
Ralph Dahrendorf
C. Wright Mills

Max Weber (Correct Answer)
Herbert Marcuse
Question No.16 (Question Id - 78)
According to Census of India 2011, which of the state has highest proportion of
Scheduled Caste (SC) population to its total population ?
Uttar Pradesh
Punjab (Correct Answer)
Question No.17 (Question Id - 97)
Which among the following concepts is closely related to the works of Max Weber ?
Charisma (Correct Answer)
Cultural Capital
Question No.18 (Question Id - 6)
Who among the following scholars has worked on religion ?
Clifford Geertz
Talal Asad
All of the above (Correct Answer)
Question No.19 (Question Id - 71)
Which level of measurement represents the categorization of sex into male and female ?
Nominal (Correct Answer)
Question No.20 (Question Id - 86)
National Sample Survey Organization is under which Ministry of Government of India ?
Ministry of Home Affairs
Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (Correct Answer)
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Question No.21 (Question Id - 95)
According to Census of India, 2011 which among the four states has highest sex ratio ?
Andhra Pradesh (Correct Answer)
Madhya Pradesh
Question No.22 (Question Id - 83)
Given below are two statements :
Statement I :
A proportion is a value calculated by dividing the quantity in one category by the total of
all categories
Statement II :
Percentage is one type of proportion

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the
options given below.
Both Statement I and Statement II are true (Correct Answer)
Both Statement I and Statement II are false
Statement I is correct but Statement II is false
Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true
Question No.23 (Question Id - 27)
The idea of organizing people into `Oceanic Circles' is given by :
Yogendra Singh
Louis Dumont
M.K. Gandhi (Correct Answer)
T.K. Oommen
Question No.24 (Question Id - 43)
Fill in the blank :
A process of urban renewal in which older, decaying housing is refurbished by affluent
people moving into the area is called __________ .
Gentrification (Correct Answer)
Global City
Metropolitan City
Question No.25 (Question Id - 65)
Which of the following is a part of the Theological Stage of mental and social
development as enunciated by August Comte ?
Fetishism (Correct Answer)
Question No.26 (Question Id - 20)
Which among the following terms is a constitutional category ?
Scheduled Tribe (Correct Answer)
Ethnic group
Indigenous group
Question No.27 (Question Id - 2)
Who among the following scholars introduced the term `White-Color Crime' ?
Friedrich Engels
William Foot-White
Edwin Sutherland (Correct Answer)
Oscar Lewis
Question No.28 (Question Id - 55)
Which of the following pair is correct ?
A. Talcott Parsons - Social System
B. Max Weber - Social Action
C. Laura Mulvey - Male Gaze
D. Karl Marx - Class Struggle
Choose the correct answer from the options given below

Only B and D are correct
Only B and C are correct
Only A and D are correct
All - A, B, C and D - are correct (Correct Answer)
Question No.29 (Question Id - 21)
Who argues in his book "The Illegitimacy of Nationalism" that the idea of "nation-state"
came to South Asia ridding piggy back on western colonial expansion?
Ashis Nandy (Correct Answer)
Partha Chatterjee
Nirad Chaudhury
Rajiv Malhotra
Question No.30 (Question Id - 38)
Given below are two statements
Statement ? I :
Racial group is a category of people based on physical characteristics as skin colour,
facial feature, eye folds, and hair colour and texture.
Statement ? II :
Ethnic group is a category of people who identify themselves with a distinct cultural
tradition based on religion, language, province, or other common heritage.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the
options given below :
Both Statement I and Statement II are true (Correct Answer)
Both Statement I and Statement II are false
Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct
Question No.31 (Question Id - 96)
Which of the following pairs are true ?
Sociologists Concept
A. G.H. Mead Symbolic Interactionism
B. Charles H. Cooley Looking Class Self
C. Herbert G. Blumer `I' and `Me'
D. Anthony Giddens `Structuration'
Choose the correct answer from the options given below :
A and B are true
C and D are true
B and D are true (Correct Answer)
A and C are true
Question No.32 (Question Id - 37)

A - IV, B - III, C - I, D - II (Correct Answer)
A - IV, B - III, C - II, D - I
A - I, B - II, C - III, D - IV
A - III, B - IV, C - II, D - I
Question No.33 (Question Id - 33)
Fill in the blank :
An organization of hierarchical sort, which takes the form of a pyramid of authority is
__________ .
Bureaucracy (Correct Answer)
Civil Society
Question No.34 (Question Id - 34)
Trobriand Islanders practice a particular kind of Dormitory that is known as :
Bukumatula (Correct Answer)
Question No.35 (Question Id - 100)
According to Census of India, 2011 which states do not have notified Scheduled Tribe
population ?
A. Punjab
B. Haryana
C. Bihar
D. Kerala
Choose the correct answer from the options given below :
A and B only (Correct Answer)
A, B, and C only
A, B, C, and D only
B, C, and D only
Question No.36 (Question Id - 68)
Which of the following scholar has described the model of secularism in India as
"principled distance"?
T.K Oommen
Paul Brass
Ashis Nandy
Rajeev Bhargava (Correct Answer)
Question No.37 (Question Id - 82)
Given below are two statements :

Statement I :
Internationally Sex-ratio is defined as "Males per thousand Females".
Statement II :
In India Sex-ratio is defined as "Females per thousand Males".
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the
options given below.
Both Statement I and Statement II are true (Correct Answer)
Both Statement I and Statement II are false
Statement I is correct but Statement II is false
Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true
Question No.38 (Question Id - 58)
The problem of whether the data collected is a true picture of what is being studied is a
question of :
Degree of freedom
Validity (Correct Answer)
Question No.39 (Question Id - 46)
Who among the following tribe was studied by W.H.R. Rivers ?
Toda (Correct Answer)
Question No.40 (Question Id - 87)
Which among the following language is not declared as classical language by
Government of India ?
Bengali (Correct Answer)
Question No.41 (Question Id - 41)
Which model describes an approach to study of social interaction based on the use of
metaphors derived from the theatre ?
Doubling Time Model
Dramaturgical Model (Correct Answer)
Ethnomethodological Model
Encounter Model
Question No.42 (Question Id - 18)
Who among the following has defined Sociology as "a science which attempts the
interpretive understanding of social action in order thereby to arrive at a causal
explanation of its course and effects ?"
Emile Durkheim
Karl Marx
Max Weber (Correct Answer)
Talcott Parsons
Question No.43 (Question Id - 3)

The discipline of Sociology was initially described as `Social Physics' in the writings of :
Max Weber
August Comte (Correct Answer)
Karl Marx
Saint Simon
Question No.44 (Question Id - 17)
A - II, B - III, C - IV, D - I
A - III, B - IV, C - II, D - I
A - II, B - IV, C - I, D - III
A - III, B - IV, C - I, D - II (Correct Answer)
Question No.45 (Question Id - 22)
A - II, B - III, C - IV, D - I
A - IV, B - II, C - I, D - III
A - IV, B - I, C - II, D - III (Correct Answer)
A - III, B - II, C - IV, D - I
Question No.46 (Question Id - 14)
Given below are two statements :
Statement I :
Content analysis is a quantitative form of analysis.
Statement II :
Discourse analysis is not a part of qualitative method.
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given
below :
Both Statement I and Statement II are correct
Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
Statement I is correct and Statement II is incorrect (Correct Answer)
Statement I is incorrect, but Statement II is correct
Question No.47 (Question Id - 25)
The book `The Environment : From Surplus to Scarcity' is written by :
Dunlop and Catton

Allan Schnaiberg (Correct Answer)
Madhav Gadgil
Lewis Coser
Question No.48 (Question Id - 52)
Those kin who are related to each other directly through descent is called :
A. Unilateral
B. Double - Descent
C. Lineal Kin
D. Bilinear
E. All of the above
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
A only
C only (Correct Answer)
B and D only
E only
Question No.49 (Question Id - 9)
Pierre Bourdieu's theory of `Practice' is linked to the twin concepts of :
Society and Community
Structure and Agency (Correct Answer)
Sex and Gender
Qualitative and Quantitative
Question No.50 (Question Id - 59)
Which of the following researchers studied Polish immigrants, the society from which
they came and the Polish American world into which they ventured forth ?
Anthony Giddens and Alfred C. Kindsey
Talcott Parson and Gordon Allports
Williams I. Thomas and Florian Znaniecki (Correct Answer)
Bronislaw Malinowski and Ruth Benedict
Question No.51 (Question Id - 57)
Which of the following coined the term "Paradigm Shift" ?
Emile Durkheim
Robert King Merton
Thomas Kuhn (Correct Answer)
Karl Popper
Question No.52 (Question Id - 62)
Which amongst the following thinkers observes that Aristotle's famous description of
human being as "political animal" has been mistakenly translated as "social animal" ?
Edward Said
Hannah Arendt (Correct Answer)
Francis Fukuyama
Ashis Nandy
Question No.53 (Question Id - 77)
Given below are two statements : one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is
labelled as Reason R.
Assertion A :
The National Sample Survey Organization collects data for various issues.
Reason R :

It is easy for National Sample Survey Organization to collected data as it is a part of
Census of India.
In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given
Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
A is true but R is false (Correct Answer)
A is false but R is true
Question No.54 (Question Id - 60)
According to Emile Durkheim, which of the following suicide is likely to be linked to
economic crisis ?
Anomic (Correct Answer)
All of the above
Question No.55 (Question Id - 1)
Which of the following sociologist is known for Phenomenological Sociology?
A. Talcott Parsons
B. Emile Durkheim
C. Alfred Schutz
D. C. Wright Mills
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
Only C (Correct Answer)
Only D
A and C Only
B and D Only
Question No.56 (Question Id - 16)
A - III, B - I, C - IV, D - II (Correct Answer)
A - IV, B - II, C - III, D - I
A - II, B - IV, C - I, D - III
A - III, B - II, C - IV, D - I
Question No.57 (Question Id - 69)
Which of the following statement(s) are true about simple random sampling technique ?
A. Every sample of a fixed size in the population has an equal chance of being selected.
B. Every unit in a given population has an equal chance of being paired with every other
unit in the population.
C. Every unit in the population has an equal chance of being selected.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below

Only A and C
Only B and C
Only C
All A, B, C are true (Correct Answer)
Question No.58 (Question Id - 8)
Mass media and culture were the running themes in the domain of :
Practice theory
Critical theory (Correct Answer)
Structural functionalism
Question No.59 (Question Id - 32)
The term which denotes a traditional class in which the interest of the major classes of
capitalist society meets and gets blurred.
Petty Bourgeoisie (Correct Answer)
Question No.60 (Question Id - 81)
Which among the following four religions has highest proportion of population to the total
population of India ?
Sikhism (Correct Answer)
Question No.61 (Question Id - 88)
Which are the indices that were used in Human Development Index (HDI) ?
A. Education
B. Health
C. Income
D. Urbanization
Choose the correct answer from the options given below :
A, B and C only (Correct Answer)
B, C and D only
A, C and D only
A, B and D only
Question No.62 (Question Id - 80)
A graphing technique that uses contiguous bars to depicts the comparative or
cumulative, or frequency or percentage distribution across the values of a continuous
variable is called :
Bar Graph
Histogram (Correct Answer)
Cumulative Frequency Curve
Frequency Polygon
Question No.63 (Question Id - 49)
According to Census of India, 2011 what is the proportion of Scheduled Tribe population
to the total population of India ?

7.6 percent
8.6 percent (Correct Answer)
9.6 percent
10.6 percent
Question No.64 (Question Id - 45)
Fill in the blank :
James Frazer found that magical formulae are based on __________.
A. Like produces like
B. Once in contact always is contact
C. Like produces like and once in contact always in contact
D. Disconnected with each other
E. None of the above
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
D only
E only
B only
C only (Correct Answer)
Question No.65 (Question Id - 90)
Which of the following pair is false ?
Accord Year
Shillong Accord 1975
First Bodo Accord 2003 (Correct Answer)
Mizo Accord 1986
Assam Accord 1985
Question No.66 (Question Id - 36)
A - I, B - II, C - III, D - IV
A - II, B - I, C - IV, D - III (Correct Answer)
A - IV, B - III, C - II, D - I
A - III, B - IV, C - II, D - I
Question No.67 (Question Id - 15)
Who among the following scholars have studied extensively on the tribal communities of
India ?
Verrier Elvin (Correct Answer)
L.H. Morgan
Louis Dumont
Andre Beteille
Question No.68 (Question Id - 30)
Who among the following has not analyzed the idea of Nationalism from the perspective

of ethnicity ?
T.K. Oommen
Ernest Gellner
Benedict Anderson
Manuel Castells (Correct Answer)
Question No.69 (Question Id - 91)
A - II, B - III, C - IV, D - I
A - II, B - I, C - IV, D - III (Correct Answer)
A - II, B - IV, C - I, D - III
A - III, B - I, C - IV, D - II
Question No.70 (Question Id - 13)
Which of the following are features of Caste system in India ?
Hereditary status
Theory of Pollution
All of the above (Correct Answer)
Question No.71 (Question Id - 54)
Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?
Statement I:
Johan Galtung coined the term "structural violence"
Statement II:
Structuration is a theory by Anthony Giddens
In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given
Statement I is true and Statement II is false
Statement I is false and Statement II is true
Both Statement I and Statement II are true (Correct Answer)
Both Statement I and Statement II are false
Question No.72 (Question Id - 7)
Given below are two statements :
Statement I :
Participant observation is a key technique in ethnographic research.
Statement II :
Observation without participating in a cultural event can be a possible technique in
ethnographic research.
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given
Both Statement I and Statement II are correct (Correct Answer)

Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
Statement I is correct and Statement II is incorrect
Statement I is incorrect, but Statement II is correct
Question No.73 (Question Id - 19)
Who among these have propounded the functionalist theory of stratification in the article
`Some Principles of Stratification' ?
Melvin Tumin
Kingsley Davis and Wilbert E. Moore (Correct Answer)
Alex Inkeles
Talcott Parsons
Question No.74 (Question Id - 94)
Which of the following positions reflect the ground rules of "relevance" of knowledge
from the vantage point of Marxist sociology ?
A. It is not enough that thought should seek to realize itself, reality must also strive
towards thought.
B. It is only when consciousness stands in relation to reality can theory and practice be
C. Emergence of consciousness must become the decisive step and the historical
fuction of theory is to make this step a practical possibility.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below :
Only A and B
Only B and C
All of the above (i.e., A, B, C) (Correct Answer)
Only C
Question No.75 (Question Id - 4)
Given below are two statements :
Statement I :
Karl Marx's scholarship cannot be confined to a single academic discipline.
Statement II :
According to Karl Marx, "the ideal is nothing else than the material world reflected in the
human mind and translated into forms of thought".
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given
Statement I is correct and Statement II is incorrect
Statement I is incorrect, but Statement II is correct
Both Statement I and Statement II are correct (Correct Answer)
Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
Question No.76 (Question Id - 75)
Who is the author of the book, `The Human Condition' ?
Michel Foucault
Hannah Arendt (Correct Answer)
Jean-Paul Sartre
Pierre Bourdieu
Question No.77 (Question Id - 53)
Marriage wherein inter-caste matrimonial alliance is strictly forbidden and one marries
within a caste group of one's own is called :
Endogamy (Correct Answer)

Question No.78 (Question Id - 11)
Who established the first University Department of Sociology in India ?
Patrick Geddes (Correct Answer)
Louis Dumont
M.N. Srinivas
D.P. Mukherjee
Question No.79 (Question Id - 10)
Which among the following concepts is related to the idea of post-marital residence ?
Matrilocal (Correct Answer)
None of the above
Question No.80 (Question Id - 42)
Fill in the blank :
When there is exchange of cultural traits and complexes it may be called __________ .
A. Assimilation
B. Acculturation
C. Counter Culture
D. None of the above
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
A and B only
B Only (Correct Answer)
A Only
D Only
Question No.81 (Question Id - 31)
Which of the following countries has the type of family settlements named as Kibbutzim
Israel (Correct Answer)
Question No.82 (Question Id - 73)
National Registration of Citizens is implemented in which of the following states ?
Assam (Correct Answer)
Question No.83 (Question Id - 12)
Which among the following theories will come under the category of Conflict Theory ?
Marxist Theory (Correct Answer)
Grounded Theory

Theory of Gift
Question No.84 (Question Id - 50)
Who among the following is/are associated with `Culture Area Approach' ?
A. L.H. Morgan and James Frazer
B. C.Wissler and A.L. Kroeber
C. Lesley White
D. Robert Redfield
E. None of the above
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
B only (Correct Answer)
A only
C and D only
E only
Question No.85 (Question Id - 5)
Which of the following branch(es) of Philosophy deal(s) with the questions of "how we
know and what we know" ?
A. Ontology
B. Epistemology
C. Phenomenology
D. Neology
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
A and B
C and D
Only B (Correct Answer)
Only D
Question No.86 (Question Id - 85)
Which of the following is not a part of the basic features of symbolic interactionism as
enunciated by Herbert Blumer ?
Human beings interact with things based on meanings ascribed to those things.
Ascribed meanings of things come from our interaction with others and society.
The meanings of things are interpreted by a person when dealing with things in
specific circumstances.
Language is an intra-individual phenomenon. (Correct Answer)
Question No.87 (Question Id - 84)
Given below are two statements :
Statement I :
The characteristics that may vary from one case to another case is called variable.
Statement II :
The characteristics that may vary at different times within one case is called variable.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the
options given below.
Both Statement I and Statement II are true (Correct Answer)
Both Statement I and Statement II are false
Statement I is true but Statement II is false
Statement I is false but Statement II is true

Question No.88 (Question Id - 35)
According to Anthony Giddens who among the following was "the First Woman
Sociologist" ?
Margaret Mead
Kathleen Gough
Harriet Martineau (Correct Answer)
Ruth Benedict
Question No.89 (Question Id - 72)
Mean of a frequency distribution is affected largely by which of the following values ?
Last few values
Extreme values (Correct Answer)
First few values
None of the Above
Question No.90 (Question Id - 99)
Article 15 of the Indian Constitution makes it illegal to discriminate people on the basis of
which of the following categories ?
A. Place of Birth
B. Race
C. Sex
D. Religion
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
Only A, C and D
Only B, C and D
Only C and D
All of them (i.e., A, B, C and D) (Correct Answer)
Question No.91 (Question Id - 26)
Who among these has analyzed various dimensions of power and talks about the `third
dimension' power in which the subjects willingly comply with oppressors ?
Michel Foucault
Max Weber
Steven Lukes (Correct Answer)
Michael Mann
Question No.92 (Question Id - 61)
Which of the following concept(s) is/are odd in the following group ?
A. Median
B. Range
C. Standard Deviation
D. Chi-square
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
Only A
Only B and C
Only D (Correct Answer)
Only A and D
Question No.93 (Question Id - 51)

"When culture is taken to mean the way of life, it is obvious that within their whole there
are elements like say, prayer, rituals, making of stone tools percussion and so on". Each
of these elements is called :
A. Cultural System
B. Cultural Trait
C. Cultural Pattern
D. Cultural Civilization
E. None of the above
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
A and B only
B only (Correct Answer)
C only
E only
Question No.94 (Question Id - 29)
Fill in the blank :
According to Anthony Giddens, the four important characteristics of contemporary times
are Capitalism, Industrialism, Militarism and __________ .
Surveillance (Correct Answer)
Question No.95 (Question Id - 56)
Which of the following articles in the Constitution is/are related to citizenship ?
A. Article 5
B. Article 6
C. Article 11
D. Article 12
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
Only A, C, D
Only B, C, D
Only A, B, C (Correct Answer)
Only D
Question No.96 (Question Id - 63)
In which of the following works, will you find the definition of state as a "human
community that claims (successfully) the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force
within a given territory" ?
`Politics as Vocation' by Max Weber (Correct Answer)
`Republic' by Plato
`The Ethnic Origins of Nations' by Anthony D. Smith
`Hind Swaraj' by M.K. Gandhi
Question No.97 (Question Id - 66)
Which of the following statement is true about Max Weber's concept of "Social Action" ?
A. Social action may be motivated by revenge for a past attack.
B. Subjective attitudes constitute social action only so far as they are oriented to the
behaviour of others.
C. Overt action is non-social if it is oriented solely to the behaviour of inanimate objects.

D. Religious behaviour is not social if it is simply a matter of contemplation or of solitary
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
Only B
Only B and C
Only B and D
All A, B, C, D are true (Correct Answer)
Question No.98 (Question Id - 98)
Which one amongst the following pairs is/are correct ?
Book Author
A. The Intimate Enemy Ashis Nandy
B. Modernization of Indian Tradition T.K. Oommen
C. Mistaken Modernity: India Between Worlds Dipankar Gupta
D. Ideology and Theory in Indian Sociology Yogendra Singh
Choose the correct answer from the options given below :
A and B are correct
C and D are correct (Correct Answer)
Only A is correct
Only D is correct
Question No.99 (Question Id - 47)
A - III, B - IV, C - I, D - II (Correct Answer)
A - IV, B - III, C - II, D - I
A - II, B - III, C - IV, D - I
A - I, B - II, C - IV, D - III
Question No.100 (Question Id - 40)
A person thinks that his/her culture is the basis for evaluating and assessing the quality
of traits in other cultures is known as :
Cultural relativism
Historical particularism
Ethnocentrism (Correct Answer)
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This post was last modified on 21 January 2021
