Download JNTUH Pharm D 3rd Year PH304 Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence Question Paper

Download JNTUH (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad) Pharm-D (Doctor of Pharmacy) 3rd Year PH304 Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence Previous Question Paper

Code No: PH304
Pharm.D III Year Supplementary Examinations, October/November - 2019
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:70
Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal marks
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1.a) Define the following as per Drugs and Cosmetics Act.
i) Drugs Allopathic ii) Misbranded drugs iii) Pharmacy iv) Manufacture
b) Write the labeling requirements of Schedule X and G drugs giving suitable examples.
2.a) Write the constitution and functions of Pharmacy Council of India.
b) What is First Register of Pharmacist under Pharmacy Act and how it is prepared? [10+4]

3.a) What are the qualifications and duties of the Government Analyst and procedures to be
followed for analysis of drugs?
b) Give the constitution and functions of Drug Technical Advisory Board. [7+7]

4. Bring out the salient features of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act.
Mention the offences and penalties under the Act. [14]

5.a) Write the salient features of Indian Patents and Design Act 1970 with reference to Drugs
and Cosmetics?
b) What are the objectives of Drugs Price Control Order? Explain the procedure for fixing
the maximum ceiling price of formulations under DPCO 2013. [7+7]

6.a) Explain the construction and working of a bonded laboratory.
b) What are the objectives of Drugs and Magic Remedies Act? Write about prohibited
advertisements under this act. [7+7]

7.a) What is the need for following ethics in profession of pharmacy? Write about the ethics
to be followed in trade and profession of pharmacy.
b) Discuss the salient features of National Drug Policy. [9+5]

8. Write short notes on:
a) Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act
b) Drugs consultative committee
c) Differentiate prescription and non prescription product. [5+5+4]

24 - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 21 October 2020