Download KNRUHS Anatomy Important Questions

Download MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) 2022-2023 Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences KNRUHS Anatomy Important Questions



1. Describe Rectus sheath under following headings

A)definition B)formation C)contents D)Applied Anatomy

2.Decribe the Inguinal canal under the following headings

A)Location B)Boundaries C)contents D)Defensive or Protective Mechanisms E)Applied Anatomy

3.Decribe the Stomach under following headings

A)External features B)Relations C)Arterial and Venous supply D)Lymphatic drainage E)Nerve supply

F)Applied Anatomy

4.Describe liver under following headings

A)External Features B)Lobes and Segments C)Ligaments D)Relations E)Surgical Importance of bare
area of liver

5.Describe Portal Vein under following headings

A)Formation B)Course C)Tributaries E)Sites of Portocaval Anastomosis**** and its Clinical
significance F)Applied anatomy

6.Describe pancreas Under Following Headings

A)Location B) Parts and their Relations C)Ducts D)Blood supply E)Applied Anatomy

7.Describe Duodenum Under following headings

A)parts B)Relations of 2nd part C)Arterial supply D)Interior of Duodenum E)Applied Anatomy

8.Define Vermiform Appendix under following headings

A) Location and parts B)Positions C)Blood supply D)Clinical Anatomy

9.Decribe Kidney under Following headings

A)Location and External Features B)Capsules C)Relations D)Blood supply E)Clinical Correlation

10.Decribe Uterus under Following headings

A)Location and parts B)Axes C)RelationsD)Supports and Ligaments**** E)Blood Supply****
F)Lymphatic Drainage G)Applied Anatomy

11.Describe Rectum under Following headings

A)Extent and curvatures B)Relations C)Interior D)Blood Supply**** E)Applied Anatomy

12.Decribe Anal canal under Following headings

A)Location ,extent ,Relations B)Interior **** C)Sphincters D)Blood supply E)Clinical Correlation **


1.Short note on


B)Transpyloric plane (5)

C)OINA of Rectus Abdominis(5)

D)Conjoint tendon(3)

E)Mc Burneys Point (3)

F)Clinical Significance of Scarpas Fascia (3)

G)Cremasteric Reflex(3)

H)Fascia Transversalis(5)

2.Write Short notes on

A)Hesselbachs Traingle***(5)

B)Spermatic Cord**(5)

C)Differences Between Direct and indirect inguinal Hernia(5)

3.Write Short note on

A)Layers of Scrotum(3)

B)Coverings of Testes(3)

C)pampiniform Plexus (3)

4.write Short notes on

A)Greater Omentum(5)

B)lesser Omentum(5)

C)Morrisons pouch(5)

D)Lesser sac(5)

E)Epiploic Foramen(5)

F)Rectouterine Pouch(5)

5.write Short note on Stomach bed(5)

6.Write external features ,Relations and Applied Anatomy of SPLEEN

7.Write Short note on

A) Calots Triangle(5)

B)Common bile duct(5)

C)Parts,Relations,Structure of Gall bladder(5)
D)Referred pain of Gallbladder(3)

E)Murphys sign,Courvoisiers law(5)

8.write Short note on

A)Ligaments of Trietz(3)


C)Meckels Diverticulum***(5)

9.Write anatomy of

A)coeliac Trunk (5)

B)Superior Mesenteric Artery(5)

C)Interior Mesenteric Artery(5)

D)Neat labelled Daigrams of Abdomimal Aorta and IVC (branches)(5)

10. Write a short note on Constrictions of ureter. (5)

11. O,I,N,A of Psoas Major(5)

12. Write short note on pelvic diaphragm. (5)

13. Add a note on UROGENITAL TRIANGLE. (Superficial & Deep Perineal pouches, structures with in
them) (5)

14. Write short note on

A) Perineal Membrane**(5)

B) Perineal Body***(5)

C) Ischiorectal Fossa****(5)

15.Describe Interior(Trigone) of urinary Bladder*****.(5)

16. Add a note on lobes of prostate.(5)

17. Short note on parts of Fallopian tube.*****(3)



1.Describe THORACO-ABDOMINAL diaphragm under the following headings :

a) Origin b) Insertion c) Nerve supply d) Function & development e) Applied aspect.

2. Describe typical INTERCOSTAL SPACE under the following headings :

a) Boundaries b) Contents*** c) Relations d) Applied aspects

3. Describe BRONCHOPULMONARY SEGMENTS in brief under the following headings :

a) Definition**** b) Characteristic features c) no. of segments in right and left lungs*** d) Applied

4. Describe HEART under the following headings :

a) External features b) Arterial supply****** c) Venous supply*****d) Nerve supply e) Applied

5. Describe RIGHT ATRIUM under the following headings :

a) External features b) Openings c) Interior of Rt Atrium*****d) Its Development.


1.Write short note on

A) Sibsons Fascia***(3)

B) Central tendon of DIAPHRAGM(3)

C) thoracic inlet syndrome (3)

D) Hernia of Bochdalek(3)

2. Add a note on

A) Sternal Angle***(3)

B) Atypical features of First rib(5)

C) Cervical Rib(3)

3.A)Anatomical basis of Internal mammary artery graft***. (3)

B) Write short note on Internal Thoracic artery****. (5)

4. Write short note on

A) Pleura & it's divisions (5)

B) Pleural recesses (costo diaphragmatic****) (5)

C)pulmonary ligament***. (3)

D) Anatomical basis of pleural effusion & thoracocentesis.(5)

5. A)Differences between left and Right lung.(3)

B)Relation of mediastinal surfaces of the right and left lungs****(5)

C) Arrangement of structures in

Root of Rt&Lt Lungs***(3)

6. Describe the Boundaries and Contents of the Superior Mediastinum***. (5)

7.A) Write Short note on Sinuses of pericardium***. [tranverse & Oblique] (5).

B) Add a note on Cardiac plexus .(3)

8. Describe course, Relations & Branches of

A) ARCH of Aorta (5)

B)SVC (5).

C) Add a note on Coarctation of Aorta. (3)

9. Write short note on

A) Extent & Constrictions of Oesphagus. (5)

B) Anatomical Basis of Achalasia Cardia***. (3)

10. Add a short note on

Formation, Course, termination, tributaries & Applied aspects of

A) Thoracic Duct(5)

B) Azygous Vein/Azygous venous system*****



1.Write about MAMMARY GLANDS under the following headings:

a) Extent b) Relations c) structure d) Blood supply e) lymphatic drainage** f) Applied aspects**

2. Describe BRACHIAL PLEXUS under following headings :

a) Formation b) Relations (relations with axillary artery is imp) c) Branches***d) Applied anatomy

3. Describe SHOULDER JOINT under the following headings. [1+2+4+2+4+2]

a)Type b) Articular Surfaces (c) ligaments d) Relations e) Movements and muscles

producing them*** f) Clinical anatomy{-dislocation of shoulder joint***,Dawnbarns sign, frozen
shoulder, subacromial bursitis}

4. a)Describe about Axillary artery and name it's Branches.b) Write about Axillary Lymph nodes.

c) Anastamosis around scapula*****. [5+5+5]

5. Describe Ulnar Nerve****** under following headings

a)Origin, Course and termination b)Relations c)Branches and Distribution d)Applied Anatomy****

6. Describe Radial Nerve Under the following headings.a) Origin, course, termination b) Relations c)
Branches and distributiond) Applied anatomy. ****[Write About Radial Nerve in the Spiral
groove*** and its injury] [3+4+5+3]

7. Describe Median Nerve Under the following headings. [3+4+5+3]

a) Origin, course, termination b) Relations c) Branches and distribution d) Applied anatomy. ****

SAQs( 5)

1. Write about CLAVIPECTORAL FASCIA** and structures piercing it.

2. OINA of Pectoralis Major & Pectoralis Minor.

3. OINA of SERRATUS ANTERIOR***+ Winging of Scapula

4. DELTOID MUSCLE under following headings :

a) Origin b) Insertion c) Nerve Supply d) Action e) clinical correlation (1+1+1+1+1)

5. Describe ROTATOR CUFF****** with a neat labelled diagram.

6. Describe the below mentioned intermuscular spaces***[write about boundaries and contents of
each] a) Quadrangular Space b) Upper Triangular Space c) Lower Triangular Space

7. Describe Origin, Root value, course, branches and Clinical correlation of AXILLARY NERVE.

8. Describe the anatomy of Median Cubital vein, Basilic Vein, Cephalic vein along with their Clinical
correlation*******.(clinical correlation is most important)

9. Describe the O,I,N,A of Biceps Brachii.
10. Write Short notes on (5+5+5+5)

a) Musculo cutaneous Nerve***. b) Brachial artery.[in clinical correlation study brachial pulse and
volkmann ischemic contracture*****].

c)Anastamosis around elbow joint*****. d) profunda Brachii artery***.

11.Describe the Boundaries and Contents of CUBITAL FOSSA and Write its Clinical

12.Describe O,I,N,A of Triceps Brachii.

13 .Write in detail about Flexor Retinaculum******* of Hand

(Describe definition, Attachments,Relations Structures passing Superficial and Deep)

14.Describe briefly about Palmar Aponeurosis****and its Clinical significance (Dupuytrens
contracture )

15. Write about CARPEL TUNNEL SYNDROME. ****

16. O, I, N, A of pronator teres.

17. O, I, N, A of Brachioradialis.

18. Write about Supination and pronation (vs

19. Write about boundaries, content, and structures passing through the roof of ANATOMICAL
SNUFF BOX**** +clinical Importance

20. Describe the arteries of Hand.

a) Superficial Palmar Arch b) Deep Palmar Arch

21. Fascial Spaces of hand (boundaries forming for each)

a) Mid palmar space b) Thenar space c) Space of Parona

22. Enumerate lumbricals and interossei muscles of hand***

23.Movements of SCAPULA.

24. Posterior interosseous nerve.

25. O, I, N, A of adductor pollicus muscle. (5marks)

26. Anatomical basis of CLAW hand deformity***. (5MARKS)

27. Pulp space of fingers. And what is whitlow? (3+2)

28. Write about Thenar muscles. (5marks).


1. Triangle of Auscultation.
2. Write about ligaments of sutures.
3. Suicidal cuts of wrists
4. Add a short note on Scaphoid Fracture.



1. Describe the SCIATIC NERVE under following headings

a) Root Value b) Origin and course c)Relations d)Branches e) Applied anatomy

2. Describe HIP JOINT under the following headings :

a) Type and Articular Surfaces*** b) ligaments*** c) Relations d) Movements and muscle producing
them e) Applied anatomy.

3. Describe the ARCHES OF FOOT under the following headings :

a) Definition b) types c) Factors Maintaining them d) Functions e) Differences b/w Med & Lat
longitudinal arch f) Applied anatomy

4.Describe KNEE JOINT under the following headings :

a) Type and Articular Surfaces b) ligaments c) Movements and muscles producing them d) Applied

5.Describe the GREAT SAPHENOUS VEIN under the following headings :

a) Origin, Course, termination b) tributaries c) PERFORATORS*** d) Applied anatomy\


1.A) Add a note on

- Illiotibial Tract. (3)

- Saphenous opening. (3)

B)O,I,N,A of



C) Describe Femoral Triangle*** by following aspects.(5)

(a) Boundaries (b)Contents (c)Applied aspects

D) Add a note on formation, compartments and Contents of FEMORAL SHEATH. (3)

E) Describe Boundaries and Contents of ADDUCTOR CANAL. (5)

F)Name the branches of Femoral Nerve. (3)

G)Describe Femoral Artery by following aspects :

(a)Origin(b) Course (c)Relations (d)Branches (e) clinical Importance. (5)

2.A) O, I, N, A of Adductor Magnus(5).

B) Name the branches of Obturator Nerve. (3)

C) Origin, Course, Branches of PROFUNDA FEMORIS ARTERY***. (5)
3.A)O, I, N, A of Gluteus Maximus***. (5)

B)Anatomical basis of Trendelenburg Sign***. (3)

4.A) Add a note Hamstring Muscles(Biceps Femoris***) . (5)

B)Write Short note on CRUCIATE ANASTOMOSIS*****.

C) Describe Boundaries, Contents and Applied aspects Of POPLITEAL FOSSA*****. (5)

D) Describe Origin, Course, Branches of POPLITEAL ARTERY *. (5)

5.Add a note on

- Stability of HIP JOINT (3).

- Arterial supply of HIP JOINT(3).

- Nerve supply of HIP JOINT(3).

6. Describe Origin, Course, Relations, Branches and applied Aspect of DORSALIS PEDIS

7.O,I,N,A of Peroneus longus. (3)

8. A) O,I,N,A of Popliteus Muscle*****. (5)

B) Add a note on Triceps Surae. (3)

C) Anatomical basis of Soleus as peripheral Heart. (3)

9. Write Short note on PLANTAR APONEUROSIS*****. (5)

10. Add a note on

- Collateral ligaments. (5)

- cruciate ligaments. (5)

- Diff b/w Medial & lateral menisci.(3)

- Bursae around the knee. (5)

- Talocalconeonavicular joint. (3)

- Inversion & Eversion of Foot****.(5)

11.Add a note on Inguinal lymph Nodes. (5)

12. Describe the course, Relations, branches and applied anatomy of COMMON PERONEAL NERVE.



1. Describe and demonstrate the parts, boundaries of 4th Ventricle**********.
2. 1.Describe the various commisural fibres.***** (write in detail about Corpus Callosum)
3. Describe in detail about INTERNAL CAPSULE.***** (parts, fibres in different parts of internal


4. Describe the various Functional areas of CEREBRAL CORTEX.
5. CEREBELLUM under the following headings

a) structure of cerebellar cortex b) cerebellar nucleii*** c) Cerebellar Peduncles*****
d) cerebellar syndrome. (3+5+5+2)


1. Describe the differences between Sympathetic and Spinal GANGLIA. *

2.Describe the T.S of Medulla oblongata at the level of

a) pyramidal decussation

b) sensory decussation

3. Anatomical basis & effects of (a)Medial and (b) Lateral medullary syndrome.

4.TS of pons at upper and Lower level.

5.Anatomical Basis of syringomyelia.

6. Write about Floor of 4th Ventricle.*****

7. a) TS of Medulla oblongata at the level of olives.

b) TS through the upper part of pons

c) TS through the lower part of pons.

8. Describe boundaries and recesses******* of 3rd ventricle.

9.Write a short note on insular cortex.

10. Write a short note on FORNIX.******

11.write about Spinal pia matter.

(write about modifications of pia mater in spinal cord)



14.TS of midbrain at the level of [5+5]

a) Superior colliculi b) inferior colliculi

15.Circle of Willis with a labelled diagram*****.

16.Write about parts of lateral Ventricle.***** [5marks]
17. Describe the characteristic features of Spinal segments at the levels (TS) of

a) cervical b) Thoracic c) lumbar

18. Describe 3rd Ventricle of brain.

19. Add a note on External Capsule.

20. Add a note on corpora Quadrigemina.



1.Describe the boundaries, contents and applied anatomy of :


2. Describe PAROTID GLAND**** under the following headings :

a) External features b) Location& extent c) Parotid Capsule, parotid duct(stensons duct) , parotid bed

d) Relations e) Contents (structures present and passing through it) f) Nerve supply and pathway

g) Applied anatomy

3. Describe THYROID GLAND**** under the following headings :

a) Location& extent b) capsule c) Relations d) Blood supply e) Histology ***f) Development***

g) Applied aspects*****(can be asked as clinical Q's)[3+3+3+5+5+5+4]

4. Describe TONGUE under the following headings :

a) External features b) Dorsal surface and Ventral Surface c) Papillae of tongue d) Muscles(extrinsic
& intrinsic) & their actions e) Nerve Supply******f) lymphatic drainage****** g) Applied anatomy

5. Describe Occulomotor Nerve under following headings

a)Location b)course c)Distribution d)Applied Anatomy

6. Describe Facial Nerve under following headings

a)Location b)course c)Distribution d)Applied Anatomy

7. Describe PALATINE TONSIL under the following headings

a) Location and External features b) Relations c) Blood supply d) Applied anatomy [3+4+5+3]

8. Describe in detail about LATERAL WALL and MEDIAL WALL of NASAL CAVITY. (formed by, features,
arterial supply, nerve supply)

9.Describe the EXTRA OCULAR MUSCLES under the following headings :

a) Origin b) Insertion c) Nerve supply*****d) Actions******e) Applied anatomy

10. Describe the CAVERNOUS SINUS under following headings:

a)Formation and Location b)Relations c)Contents d)Tributaries and Communications e)Applied

11. a) Enumerate intrinsic muscles of LARYNX

b) Describe O, I, N, A of (i)CRICOTHYROID MUSCLE*** (ii)Posterior cricoarytenoid muscle[4+6]

12. Describe SCALP under the following headings :

a) Definition and extent b) layers c) Blood supply d) Nerve supply e) Applied aspects

13.DESCRIBE POSTERIOR TRIANGLE under following headings :

a) Boundaries b) Roof c) Floor d) contents e) divisions f) clinical correlation [2+1+1+7+1+3]


1.Anatomical Basis of Bell's Palsy***.

2. Course and Branches of FACIAL ARTERY.

3.Venous drainage of Face:

a) Facial Vein.

b) Retromandibular vein.

c) Anatomical Basis of dangerous area of the face****.

4. Write about Lacrimal Apparatus*** with a labelled diagram along with the pathways of lacrimal
gland .

5.Add a note on EXTERNAL JUGULAR VEIN ***.

6.Write a short note on DEEP CERVICAL FASCIA.

7.write short note on CAROTID ARTERY. (Common, External, Internal)

8.Add a note on a) Mylohyoid and b) Hyoglossus

9. Describe Submandibular ganglion(location, Relations, roots, branches).

10. Boundaries, communications and contents of Infra temporal fossa.

11. Describe OTIC ganglion.


a) lateral pterygoid.***** b) Medial pterygoid*****c) Masseter d) Temporalis

13. Enumerate Boundaries, Communications, Contents of PTERYGOPALATINE FOSSA.

14. Describe the location, Relations, Roots and Branches of PTERYGOPALATINE GANGLION***.

15. Anatomical Basis of Horners syndrome.

16. Describe NASOPHARYNX***.

17.Describe pharyngeal wall & Waldeyers ring*****.

18.Add a note on PIRIFORM FOSSA****.

19.Muscles of pharynx & zenkers diverticulum*****.

20. Write short note on Muscles of SOFT PALATE


22.Describe styloid apparatus

23. a) Anatomical classification of Paranasal air sinus.
b) Describe MAXILLARY AIR SINUS in detail including its importance.[1+4]

24. Describe the anatomy of MIDDLE EAR.

25. Add a note on CILIARY GANGLION. (a)location (b) roots (c) branches

26. Write short notes on Opthalmic Artery and its branches.

27. (a)Enumerate various dural folds. (b)Describe in detail about Falx Cerebri And (c) tentorium
Cerebelli (3+5+5)

28.Write the structures passing through Superior Orbital Foramen.***(5M)

29. Sternocleidomastoid muscle under the following headings :

a) O, I, N, Ab) Relations c) torticollis [4+3+3]


1. What is pterion?it's clinical importance?(3M)

2. Write about the fracture of Mandible(3M).

3.Type and Articular Surfaces of Atlanto-axial Joint?(3M).

4.Enumerate Branches of Mandibular Nerve(3M).

5. Pharyngeal plexus of nerves. (3marks)

6. Enumerate the branches of first part of SUBCLAVIAN ARTERY. (3marks )

7.Enumerate the branches of External Carotid Artery **. (3marks)

8. Anatomical basis of LITTLEs AREA***. (3marks)

9.Write about the openings in the lateral wall of Nose****. (3marks)

10.Mention the Structures passing through (3+3+3+3)

a)Foramen Ovale******

b)Foramen Magnum****

c)Jugular Foramen

d)Foramen Spinosum

11.Supra sternal space of BURNS

12.Describe Carotid sheath***

13. Describe ANSA CERVICALIS***


1.Microscopic structure/Histology of

a) Hyaline Cartilage***** b) Elastic Cartilage

2. Histology of Bone (Compact bone)

3. Describe microscopic structure of*******

a) Elastic Artery(Large sized artery)

b) Muscular Artery (Medium sized artery)[Compare both of this]

4.Describe microscopic structure of


5.Describe microscopic structure of

a)Thick skin b)Thin skin

6.Describe Microscopic structure of

a)Lymph node**** b)Thymus


1.Spermatogenesis+ Ovulation(flowchart is enough)

2.Fertilization (make flowchart) + barriers of fertilization****

3.Formation of Blastocyst.

4.Derivatives of Germlayers*****

(Remember 4-5from each layer)

5. Formation and fate of notochord**

6.Derivatives of Paraxial, Intermediate, Lateral plate mesoderm. (remember 3-4from each layer)

7.Implantation +normal site and abnormal sites of implantation. (NORMAL SITE = upper part of
posterior wall of uterine cavity**)

8. Describe Chorion. + Types of chorionic villi*****

9.Embryological basis of Monozygotic and dizygotic twins.***

10.Write about Amnion+amniotic fluid+amniocentesis. [2+2+1]

11.Short notes on Yolk sac and allantois.

12.Write about development of Placenta and its functions.[3+2]



1.a) Define pharyngeal arches b) What are the Components of pharyngeal arch.

2. Derivatives of 1st pharyngeal arch.

3. Derivatives of 2nd pharyngeal arch.

4. Derivatives of 3rd & 4th pharyngeal arch.

5. What are pharyngeal pouches? Derivatives of pharyngeal pouch

6.a) write in detail about development of tongue. b) Write about the correlation of nerve
supply of tongue with it's development.

7. Clinical applications of tongue development.

8. Describe briefly the development of thyroid gland and discuss it's histiogenesis. [3+2]

9. Describe the Development of face*** and associated common congenital anomalies.

10. a) Development of palate***b) Embryological basis Of cleft palate and cleft lip.


1.Development of Interatrial septum and it's clinical correlation***.

2.Enumerate embryonic dilatation of primitive heart tube and structures derived from them

3.Anatomical basis of tetralogy of fallot.(3)

4.Anatomical basis of tracheo esophageal fistula.***(3)

5.Development of Arch of aorta in brief and its congenital Anomalies(coarctation of aorta,


1.Development of Testis,it's descent and associated congenital anomalies.

2 .Development of PANCREAS**** and associated congenital anomalies.

3.Development of portal vein.

4.Add a short note on Meckel's diverticulum***. (3)

5.Describe mechanism of Development /Rotation of midgut****.

6.Development of kidney and mention congenital anomalies of kidney.

7.Development of diaphragm.

8.Development of Inferior Vena Cava.
9.Development of urinary bladder****Associated congenital anomalies.

10.Developmant of uterus**** and associated congenital anomalies***.

This post was last modified on 22 May 2022