Download OU B.Sc Life Sciences 1st Sem Environmental Studies Important Questions

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc Life Sciences 1st Sem Environmental Studies Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam

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I Year I Semester-Question Bank

Subject: Environmental Studies

Group: Common for B Sc & B Com
UNIT-I: Ecosystem, Biodiversity & Natural resources

Short questions:
1. Define Environmental studies
2. Define Ecosystem
3. What is meant by Biotic & abiotic components of ecosystem
4. Write a short note on Food Chain
5. Describe Pyramid of energy
6. What is Single channel energy flow model
7. Explain about Threats to biodiversity
8. What is rain water harvesting
9. Define Renewable & Non renewable resources
10. What is watershed management
11. Write a note on geothermal energy
Essay questions:
1. Write briefly about the scope of environmental studies?
2. Explain the structure of ecosystem?
3. Write in detail the concept of food chain & food Web with neat sketches?
4. What is an Ecological pyramid? Explain various types of ecological pyramids?
5. Discuss the energy flow in an ecosystem?
6. What are Hot spots of bio-diversity?
7. Explain Ex-situ & In-situ conservation of biodiversity?
8. Write a detailed note on energy resources?
9. Suggest various methods of water conservation?
10. Give a brief account on Mineral resources?
UNIT-II: Environmental pollution, Global issues & Legislation

Short question:
1. Write a short note on Global warming
2. What is green house effect
3. Mention the types of Disaster
4. What are the preventive measures of water pollution
5. Distinguish between composting & Vermicomposting
6. Write a short note on effects of cyclones
7. Write a short notes on Human rights
8. Ozone layer depletion
9. What is a pollutant
10. Define Solid waste
11. Briefly describe wild life protection Act

Essay questions:
1. What is air pollution? List out preventive measures of air pollution?
2. What is disaster? Explain briefly about Disaster management?
3. What measures should be taken to mitigate flood disaster?
4. What is Earth quake? Explain its effects in detail?
5. What are the various sources, effects, & causes of water pollution?
6. Explain the methods adopted for disposal of solid waste in urban areas?
7. Write a detailed note on ozone layer depletion?
8. Write a note on impact of fire crackers on man & his well being?
9. Write the salient features of Forest conservation Act?
10. Write an essay on & child Welfare?
11. Give a concise account on role of IT in environment & human health

This post was last modified on 23 January 2021