Download OU B.Com 6th Sem Sectors of Indian Economy Important Questions

Download OU (Osmania University) (Bachelor of Commerce) 6th Sem Sectors of Indian Economy Important Question Bank For 2021 Exam

Subject Title: Sectors of Indian Economy
Prepared by: D.Rajitha
Year: III
Semester: VI
Updated on: 24-3-
Unit - I: Agriculture in India
Discuss briefly the place or role of agriculture in Indian economy.
What do you mean by Green Revolution? What are its achievements and weaknesses? Impact
of Green revolution on Indian Economy.
Describe the present state of the Indian Agriculture.
Define food security. Write about food security legislation.
Explain in detail Public distribution System(PDS).What is the Impact of PDS on Poverty?
Define Marketing and agriculture Marketing and explain its significance.
What do you Mean by Warehouse and Warehousing? state the objectives of warehousing
Define Agriculture labour. Briefly describe the classification of agriculture laborers. What are
the various causes of growth in the number of agricultural labourers?
Explain the Measures adopted by The Government to Improve the condition of agriculture
10. Write a note on Minimum Wage Act,1948. Discuss the provisions concerning Minimum Wages
11. What do you understand by rural credit?
12. What Are co -operative banks? Explain their features, merits and Demerits.
13. Explain in detail about Regional Rural Banks(RRBs).Functions and Problems.
14. Define NABARD and explain the silent features NABARD. Functions and Achievements.
15. Explain Progress of Indian agriculture in Five Year Plans(FYP)
Unit - II: Industries and Tertiary Sector of India
16. What is a Industry? Explain the Classification of Industries.
17. What do you mean by Industrialization? What role it played in Indian Economy?
18. Explain the Pattern of Industrialization in India.
19. Explain briefly about the large- scale industry of India. What are the different types of large
scale Industries?
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20. Define small scale industry. What are its types and characteristics?
21. What do you mean by Term `Technology'? State its components and Features.
22. What are the Major advantages and issues of Indian information Technology Industry?
23. Who is labourer? What are the Features of a Indian labour?
24. Define Labour Policy. Explain in Detail about it.
25. What is social security? Write about the Need and features of Social security in India.
26. Define Industrial disputes. What are the forms of industrial Disputes?
27. Explain Unorganized sector of India with its size.
28. Define forign Trade. State the evolution and characteristics of foreign trade.
29. What is Foreign Exchange Market? Explain the distinctive features of Foreign Exchange
30. Explain origin and Growth of Banking in India. Explain the evolution of banking systems in
31. What do you Mean by Money market? What are the Main constituents of Indian money
32. Define GST .Explain its origin and Important concepts.
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This post was last modified on 23 January 2021