Download RGUHS BHMS 2019 October 1st Year 1402 Human Anatomy Paper I Rs3 Question Paper

Download RGUHS (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences) BHMS (Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery) 2019 October 1st Year 1402 Human Anatomy Paper I Rs3 Previous Question Paper

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences

I Year B.H.M.S Degree Examination ?OCT-2019

Time: 3 Hours

[Max. Marks : 100]

Human Anatomy - PAPER I (RS3)

QP Code: 1402

Your answers should be specific to the questions asked.

Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary.


2 X 10 = 20 Marks


Describe location, parts, relation and clinical anatomy of Thyroid gland.


Describe formation, branches and applied aspect of brachial plexus.

SHORT ESSAY (Answer any ten)

10 X 5 = 50 Marks


Classify bones. Describe parts of typical long bone.


Enumerate modifications of deep fascia and their functions.


Illustrate microstructure of skeletal muscle.


Describe stages of Menstrual cycle.


Describe location and formation of circle of Willis.


Mention the parts of applied aspect of Middle Ear.


Name the boundaries and contents of Carotid triangle.

10. Describe course and branches of Facial artery.
11. Describe course of internal jugular vein.
12. Describe formation, course and tributaries of Baselic vein.
13. Mention the applied aspect of Breast.
14. Illustrate microscopic structure of Pituitary gland.


10 X 3 = 30 Marks

15. Define End artery.
16. Mention applied anatomy of Lymphatic system.
17. Draw and label cross section of Eye ball.
18. Name the coverings of Brain.
19. Mention blood supply to Brainstem.
20. Name Cranial nerves in order.
21. Name cartilages of Larynx.
22. Name muscles supplied by Musculocutaneous nerve.
23. Name structures under cover of Deltoid muscle.
24. Describe spaces of Hand.

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