Download JNTUH (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad) MBA (Master of Business Administration) 3rd Semester (Third Semester) R17 2018 Dec 743AN Consumer Behavior Previous Question Paper
Code No: 743AN
MBA III Semester Examinations, December - 2018
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:75
Note: This question paper contains two parts A and B.
Part A is compulsory which carries 25 marks. Answer all questions in Part A. Part B
consists of 5 Units. Answer any one full question from each unit. Each question
carries 10 marks and may have a, b, c as sub questions.
PART - A 5 ? 5 Marks = 25
1.a) ?Consumer Behavior is a multi- disciplinary science?. Critically analyze the statement.
b) Write about some of the culture factors influencing consumer behavior. [5]
c) What are positive and negative motivations? Discuss with examples. [5]
d) Discuss the stages of problem recognition. [5]
e) Write about evolution of consumerism. [5]
PART - B 5 ? 10 Marks = 50
2. Discuss the nature of consumer behavior and explain its significance in current
market conditions. [10]
3. What is consumer behavior? Why is it important for a marketing manager to
study consumer behavior? [10]
4. Why, when one enters foreign markets, marketers need to conduct some form of
cross-cultural consumer analysis? Also discuss some basic research issues in cross-
cultural analysis. [10]
5.a) Define self-perception, price perception and benefits perception.
b) ?An individual?s immediate family members play an essential role in influencing
his/her buying behavior.? To what extent you agree with this statement. [5+5]
6.a) Consumer attitudes are a composite of a consumer?s beliefs, feelings, and behavioral
intentions. Comment.
b) What is trait theory? Explain with example. [5+5]
7. Discuss passive model and emotional model of consumer decision making. [10]
8.a) What is purchasing process. Explain with example?
b) Explain consumer decision rules. [5+5]
9.a) How does market research help to recognize the consumer decision making
b) How pre purchase and post purchase activities are analyzed? [5+5]
R17 - FirstRanker's Choice
Code No: 743AN
MBA III Semester Examinations, December - 2018
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:75
Note: This question paper contains two parts A and B.
Part A is compulsory which carries 25 marks. Answer all questions in Part A. Part B
consists of 5 Units. Answer any one full question from each unit. Each question
carries 10 marks and may have a, b, c as sub questions.
PART - A 5 ? 5 Marks = 25
1.a) ?Consumer Behavior is a multi- disciplinary science?. Critically analyze the statement.
b) Write about some of the culture factors influencing consumer behavior. [5]
c) What are positive and negative motivations? Discuss with examples. [5]
d) Discuss the stages of problem recognition. [5]
e) Write about evolution of consumerism. [5]
PART - B 5 ? 10 Marks = 50
2. Discuss the nature of consumer behavior and explain its significance in current
market conditions. [10]
3. What is consumer behavior? Why is it important for a marketing manager to
study consumer behavior? [10]
4. Why, when one enters foreign markets, marketers need to conduct some form of
cross-cultural consumer analysis? Also discuss some basic research issues in cross-
cultural analysis. [10]
5.a) Define self-perception, price perception and benefits perception.
b) ?An individual?s immediate family members play an essential role in influencing
his/her buying behavior.? To what extent you agree with this statement. [5+5]
6.a) Consumer attitudes are a composite of a consumer?s beliefs, feelings, and behavioral
intentions. Comment.
b) What is trait theory? Explain with example. [5+5]
7. Discuss passive model and emotional model of consumer decision making. [10]
8.a) What is purchasing process. Explain with example?
b) Explain consumer decision rules. [5+5]
9.a) How does market research help to recognize the consumer decision making
b) How pre purchase and post purchase activities are analyzed? [5+5]
10. Write short notes on:
a) Consumerism
b) Consumer safety [5+5]
11.a) Outline some of the marketing ethics to be followed for consumers.
b) Discuss in brief about consumer responsibilities. [5+5]
--ooOoo-- - FirstRanker's Choice
This post was last modified on 23 October 2020