Download MBBS 2nd Year WBUHS Forensic Medicine And Toxicology 2008 Question Paper

Download WBUHS (The West Bengal University of Health Sciences) MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) 2nd Year (Second Year) WBUHS Forensic Medicine And Toxicology 2008 Previous Question Paper

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The West Bengal University of Health Sciences

M.B.B.S. 2nd Professional Examination, 2008

Subject ? Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

Time: 2hrs

Full Marks :40

Use Separate answer script for each group

Attempt all questions. The figures in the margin indicate distribution of marks in each question.

Group ? A

1. a) A male person was found lying on a railway track with lacerated injury over back of head. Discuss how you can

ascertain the manner of death and time since death.


b) Define "Privileged Communication" . Give some examples in short.


Group ? B


2. a) Write down the medico legal importance of (any two) :

2 x 22

i) Hair

ii) Partial hanging

iii) Tattoo Mark


b) Write Short notes on ( any two ):

2 x 22

i) Hallucination

ii) Rule of Nine

iii) Post Mortem Staining

Group ? C


3. a) Differentiate between ( any two ) :

2 x 22

i) Gunshot wound of entrance and exit from a rifled firearm.

ii) Ligature mark from hanging and strangulation by ligature.

iii) Civil and criminal negligence.


b) Explain why ( any two ) :

2 x 22

i) Colour change does not occur in sub conjunctival haemorrhage.

ii) Dying deposition is consid

ered superior to dying declaration

iii) Tardieu's spot appear in al violent asphyxia deaths except cases of drowning.

Group ? D

4. a) Outline the duties of a doctor, when a patient suspected to be a case of poisoning is brought to a hospital.


b) Write the fatal dose of ( any two ) :

2 x 1

i) Mercuric Chloride
ii) Copper sulphate

iii) Crude opium

c) Mention the preservatives to be used in the cases of following poisons ( any three) :

3 x 1

i) Aconite

ii) Alcohol

iii) Hydrochloric acid

iv) Mercuric Chloride

This post was last modified on 24 March 2023