Download MBBS 2nd Year WBUHS Microbiology Paper I 2016 Question Paper

Download WBUHS (The West Bengal University of Health Sciences) MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) 2nd Year (Second Year) WBUHS Microbiology Paper I 2016 Previous Question Paper

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The West Bengal University of Health Sciences

M.B.B.S. 2nd Professional Examination, 2016

Subject: Microbiology

Time: 2hrs

Paper: I

Full Marks :40

Use Separate answer script for each group

Attempt all questions. The figures in the margin indicate distribution of marks in each question.

Group ? A

1. a) A child has been brought to the hospital emergency with passage of rice water stool and severe dehydration

with trachycardia and feeble pulse. What is your provisional diagnosis? Write down the pathogenesis of the
disease. Give an outline of laboratory diagnosis of the disease.



b) A male body of 4 weeks has been admitted to the hospital with fever, drowsiness, irritability, vomiting and
photo phobia. On examination there was neck rigidity and CSF was turbid. What is your clinical diagnosis? Name
the predominant bacterial agents causing such illness. How will you proceed to diagnose the case in the


Group - B

2. Write short notes on ( any three ) :

3 x 4

a) Toxic shock syndrome
b) Bacterial capsule
c) IgA
d) Satellitism

Group - C

3. Comment on ( any three ) :

3 x 4

a) T helper cells have a major role in immune response
b) All diphtheria bacilli are not toxigenic
c) Passive immunization is helpful in certain conditions
d) For the diagnosis of infective conditions a rise in titre of antibodies is more meaningful

Group ? D

4. Differentiate between :

3 x 2

a) Streptococcus pneumonia and Streptococcus viridans
b) Cell wall of gram positive and gram negative bacteria
c) Anthrax bacilli and Anthracoid bacilli

This post was last modified on 24 March 2023