Download MBBS 2nd Year WBUHS Microbiology Paper II 2014 Question Paper

Download WBUHS (The West Bengal University of Health Sciences) MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) 2nd Year (Second Year) WBUHS Microbiology Paper II 2014 Previous Question Paper

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The West Bengal University of Health Sciences

M.B.B.S. 2nd Professional Examination, 2014

Subject: Microbiology

Time: 2hrs

Paper: II

Full Marks :40

Use Separate answer script for each group

Attempt all questions. The figures in the margin indicate distribution of marks in each question.

Group ? A

1. a) A 30 year old male from Pakur, Bihar has been admitted in the hospital with a history of continuous fever,

weakness, blackening of skin and huge hepato-splenomegally



What is the provisional diagnosis?


Name the causative agent


Describe the pathogenesis of the disease


How will you diagnose the disease in the laboratory?


b) A boy aged 10 years, residing in rural area with low socio-economic status attends the OPD with complaints of
indigestion, weakness and occasional pain in the epigastrium. On examination he is found to be anaemic with
low haemoglobin level.


i) Name the probable helminths causing such clinical condition.
ii) Discuss the pathogenesis of such disease
iii) Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of the disease.

Group - B

2. Write short notes on ( any three ) :

3 x 4

a) Occult filariasis
b) Prion
c) Oppotunistic fungi
d) Cytopathogenic effect

Group - C

3. Comment on ( any three ) :

3 x 4

a) Bacteriophages may cause genetic alteration in bacteria.
b) Measles may cause CNS infection.
c) Role of cytokines may be important in malaria.
d) Viruses can be cultivated

Group ? D

4. Differentiate between :

3 x 2

a) Microfilaria of Wucheria brancrofti and Brugia malayi
b) Actinomycotic and Eumycotic Mycetoma
c) Floatation and Sedimentation methods of stool concentration techniques

This post was last modified on 24 March 2023