Download RGUHS BSc Radiotherapy Technology 2019 October 2nd Year 2204 Basic Radiation Physics Question Paper

Download RGUHS (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences) B.Sc in Radiotherapy Technology (Bachelor of Science inRadiotherapy Technology) 2019 October 2nd Year 2204 Basic Radiation Physics Previous Question Paper

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II Year B.Sc Radiography Degree Examination OCT-2019

Time: 3 Hours




Your answers should be specific to the questions asked.

Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary. Answer all questions

LONG ESSAYS (Answer any two)

2X10=20 Marks

1. Write in detail about the construction and working of a rotating anode x-ray tube.


2. Explain the principle, construction and operation of a High Tension transformer. (10)

3. Describe the three important methods by which x-rays and gamma rays interact with the
medium. (10)

SHORT ESSAYs (Answer any Ten)

6X5=50 Marks

4. What are the important properties of x-rays.

5. What is the principle of operation of a low tension transformer.

6. What is meant by stochastic and non-stochastic effect and give examples.

7. What is meant by Maximum Permissible Dose and mention the dose limits for radiation
workers and public?

8. How fluoroscopic Rating charts are useful.

9. Briefly write about characteristics of grids.

10. Write about the principle of operation of full wave rectifier circuit.

11. Briefly write about the principle of operation of a image intensifier tube.

12. How the tube current is controlled in an x-ray circuit.

14. Write about the principle and operation of a TLD badge.
15. How radiation and optical field alignment is checked in the x-ray unit.



16. Half life

17. Rectifiers

18. Atomic number

19. Use factor

20. Heel effect


This post was last modified on 24 June 2022