Download RGUHS BSc Radiotherapy Technology 2019 October 3rd Year 2916 Principles and Practice Of Radiotherapy Rs2 Question Paper

Download RGUHS (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences) B.Sc in Radiotherapy Technology (Bachelor of Science inRadiotherapy Technology) 2019 October 3rd Year 2916 Principles and Practice Of Radiotherapy Rs2 Previous Question Paper

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Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka

III year B.Sc. Radiotherapy Technology Examination ? OCT-2019

Time: Three Hours

Max. Marks: 60 Marks

Principles & Practice of radiotherapy (RS2)

Q.P. CODE: 2916

Your answers should be specific to the questions asked

Draw neat, labeled diagrams wherever necessary

Section ? A

LONG ESSAYS (Answer any One)

1 x 10 = 10 Marks


Describe in detail the process involved in radiotherapy planning of a patient with oral cancer.
Elaborate on the mould room techniques used and simulation techniques used.


Outline the staging for carcinoma of the rectum. What is the usual prescription for radiotherapy for
pT3 No disease? Describe how you will position, plan simulate and calculate the dose for one

technique for External Beam Radiotherapy.

SHORT ESSAYS (Answer any Two)

2 x 5 = 10 Marks


Describe in brief an intracavitory brachytherapy procedure and its simulation procedure




Pediatric radiotherapy

SHORT ANSWERS (Answer any Five)

5 x 2 = 10 Marks




Normal tissue shielding methods


G2-M phase of cell cycle


Skin cancers

10. Boost in Radiotherapy
11. Breast cone

Section ? B

LONG ESSAYS (Answer any One)

1 x 10 = 10 Marks

12. Describe the emergency procedure to be followed by the technologist in Telecobalt machine when

the source get stuck during treatment of a patient.

13. Describe in detail the procedures involved in radiotherapy planning of a patient with carcinoma

bladder, elaborate on the mould room techniques used and simulation techniques used.

SHORT ESSAYS (Answer any Two)

2 x 5 = 10 Marks

14. Personal monitoring devices used during radiotherapy
15. IGRT
16. Wedges

SHORT ANSWERS (Answer any Five)

5 x 2 = 10 Marks

17. Cyber knife
18. OER
19. Inward planning
20. MLC
21. Iodine 131
22. SRS


This post was last modified on 24 June 2022
