Download Goa University BA LLB-5 Years Course (Bachelor Of Arts and LLB Five Years) 2015 Oct 6th Semester Interpretation Of Statutes Question Paper
BA. LL.B. (Semester - VI) Examination, October 2015
Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 75
Instructions : 1) Answer any eight questions from 0.No. 1 to 12.
2) Question No. 13 and 14 are compulsory.
3) All questions carry equal marks.
. ?It is an elementary rule of interpretation that a statute must be read as a whole
in its context?. -? Explain with cases.
?Language of the statute must be read as it is? ? Discuss.
Explain the Mischief Rule of interpretation with the help of cases.
Explain the importance of title and preamble as internal aids to construction.
Explain the importance of international conventions and dictionaries as aids to
Explain the Rule of Noscitura sociis with the heip of cases.
Explain the presumption against the retrospective operation of statutes.
Write notes on the following :
a) Reddendo singula singulis.
b) Presumption against intending the ouster of jurisdiction of courts.
Examine the circumstances in which the courts will apply a restrictive
Explain with the help of cases the Maxim Generalia Specialibus non derogant.
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Discuss with the help of decided cases, the tests used by the courts to determine
whether a provision in a statute is mandatory or directory.
Explain the rule of ejusdem generis in the interpretation of statutes and discuss
its exceptions.
Explain any two of the following with reference to the General Clauses Act.
a) Coming into operation of the Act.
b) Gender and number.
0) Power to appoint.
Explain any two of the tollowing : (2x2.5=5)
a) Codifying statutes
b) Construction in bonam partem
0) Golden rule of interpretation.
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