Download Goa University BA LLB-5 Years 2016 April 1st Semester Political Science I Question Paper

Download Goa University BA LLB-5 Years Course (Bachelor Of Arts and LLB Five Years) 2016 April 1st Semester Political Science I Question Paper

B.A.L.L.B. (Semester- 1) Examination, April 2016
Duration: 3 Hours Total Marks: 75
Instructions: 1) Answer any Eight questions from Q. N0. 1 to 12. (8 x 8:64)
2) Q. N0. 13 and Q. No. 14 are compulsory.
3) Students are instructed to incorporate the exact question
number in the answer scripts.
1. Political Theory denotes a systematic knowledge of political phenomena. Explain the
scope and nature of Political Theory.
2. De?ne State and discuss the different elements of the State.
?Power? is regarded as one of the central concept of Political Science. Discuss the
different forms of Power.
Enumerate the different features of the Individualist theory of State.
De?ne Justice and explain the kinds of Justice.
Sovereignty is the most fundamental concept in the study of Political Science. Discuss
the various kinds of Sovereignty.
Discuss the concept of Social Change and factors leading to Social Change.
8. Democracy signi?es the rule of the people. Analyse the different models of
9. State comprises the core of Political Thought. Explain the Gandhian and Post-
colonial perspective on the State.
10. A Right is a claim of an individual recognised by State and Society. Comment.
ll.Equality cannot be de?ned easily and precisely. Explain its features and kinds of
12. Explain the concept of welfare State.
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13. Write short notes on ANY TWO: (3 x 2 = 6)
a. Class and Elite Theory of Power.
b. Peasant Movement in India.
c. Decline of Political Theory.
14. Write short notes on ANY TWO: (2 ?/2 x 2 = 5)
a. Juristic Theory of State.
b. Kinds of Liberty.
c. Components of Citizenship.

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