Download Goa University BA LLB-5 Years 2015 April 1st Semester Legal Research And Methodology Question Paper

Download Goa University BA LLB-5 Years Course (Bachelor Of Arts and LLB Five Years) 2015 April 1st Semester Legal Research And Methodology Question Paper

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1. Write summary of anv two of the following: (2x5=10)
a) Headmistress. Govt Girls High School V Mahalkshmi
b) Malan v. State of Bomba)
c) 1.T.C. Ltd.. Workers Welfare Association V. Management 0111C
2. Discuss in detailw 0f the following cases: (I x 10: 10)
a) AdhyatmthattarAlwar v. Adhyatmthattar Sri Devi
b) State of Maharasthra v. Bharat FakiraDhiwar
c) M.P.tha v. State of M. P.
3. Discuss the facts and the ratio of any twoof the following: (2 x 5 = 10)
a) Raunaq International Ltd. v. 1.V.R. Constructions Ltd
b) Zafar Ahmad Khan v. State
c) K. T. Pavunny v. K.T Mathew
4. Explain any ?ve maxims (5 x 5 = 25)
a) Respondent superior
b) Nemo debt essejudex in propriacausa
c) Nemodet quad non habet
d) C ausaproxima et non remotaspectator
e) Exturpicausa non orituraction
f) Lex non cogit ad impossibilia
g) Nemo debt vexari pro uno et eademcausa
h) Nasciturus pro iamnatohabetur
5. Explain any of the ten legal terms: (10 x 1 = 10)
1. Prosecution
2. Capital punishment
3. Remedy \
4. Arbitration
5. Bigamy
6. Quid pro quo
7. Intention
8. Legislature
9 Bail
10. Attachment
11. Sentence
12. Injunction
13. Battery
14. Alibi
15. Crime
6. Answer the following questions: ( 2 x 5 =10)
a. Ram had purchased a ?at at the upcoming Ravindra Plaza at Patto. Panjim on 20lh Sept 2013.
He had paid advance of 20 lakhs with an agreement to pay the remaining amount after getting
possession of the ?at. Rupen Shah. the builder had promised to hand over the possession of
completed flat on 15' July 2014. However. the possession was not handed over as agreed as the
construction was not completed. Draft a legal notice on behalfof Ram.
b. Draft an af?davit for the purpose of getting ration card.
* * * * * >1? *

This post was last modified on 26 January 2020
