Download OU BBA LLB-5 Years 3rd Semester 2018 April Business Statistics II Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) BA LLB-5 Years Course (Bachelor of Business Administration & Bachelor of Legislative Law-5 YDC) 3rd Semester 2018 April Business Statistics II Question Paper

Coda ND. 5539
EBA. LLB. :5 TDC] |I Jrsar III-EamsstarEssminstiun, March J April 2MB
$ubjact: L A W
Paper - ll : Business Statlstlss
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: El}
PART ? A {5x5=3? Marks:
Answer any FI'IuI'E sf ths following:
"? '1 Scans of Business stssstlcs
?2 Three dimensions diagram
Prsperties sf Median
Significanca 0f Dispersion
Tims rsvsrssl Tsst
Statistical Regulatory
Standard Regularity
Types of correlatic-n
PART ? B {#11235 = ED Markus}
Answer any FDUR of tha folluwjng guestiuns:
' 9 Mat is data and describe the needfsr data?
"'1 El Write the functions of graphs and explain the sdusntsgss and limitalisns sf Graphs?
11 What are the main paints to be kspt m mind while selecting an ideal average for a
statistics! investigation?
12 What are the Essentials at a gaunt measures of Dispersisn'?
1 3 Difference between relative and absolute measures of skewness
14 Write the procedure fur Eunstrusti?n weighted and unweighted Index Number.
15 Find the C&Ef?ment uf Correlation and probable Errnr from the data:
1.6? .613. 3.51. s. ss... at 'tri|
W 95 SD 3? 80 ?t T5 80 E35
#16 The sales Ufa company in Iskhs sf rupees fur the year tETE- ts tam.
[seams] ?ssrs' 1srs- 19?? 197% ?mm
Ealest?t?} ss , 92 -122 19s sts
.4. r ' Ii. L3
i. ?t% J? {?3 d s. 5r";
Estimate sales for [Its year 195D.

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