Download OU BBA LLB-5 Years 1st Semester 2018 March-April History of Courts Legislature and Legal Profession in India Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) BA LLB-5 Years Course (Bachelor of Business Administration & Bachelor of Legislative Law-5 YDC) 1st Semester 2018 March-April History of Courts Legislature and Legal Profession in India Question Paper

Code ND. 5533
BA LLB. |E- ?I'DC'I I BEA. LLB. [5 ?DGI f B.Eum. LLB. {6 THE} I #2:" l-Smnamter
Examination. March .I' April 2:113
Subject: L A W
Fap?r - 'IuI' : Hlatury uf Cumin Legislature and Legal Prnfasshn In India
Time : 3 Hunt: Max. Mark: : ED
PART ? A :5:B=3? Marks}
Answer any FWE of ?u rnlluwing:
+1?; The Adalat syslem uf murta.
2 Mn?'ussil nouns
3' Eeparannn nf powars
-? Government nr India An! 1919
5" Privy Euuncil
Mm of 1333
_ T..- Independence of Judiciary
E Lagal prufesalon during [he F'rEI-Bnhsh FEITCId
PART ?- B {#:1211?5 = ED Marks]
Answer any:I FGUR a! ?u} fnl?luwing q'uastiuns:
9 Explain the salient features of [he GE~.rernme-n'r :1! India Act 1935, that madaan Impanlnn
Lha- courta systems.
1D Discuss The deuelupment of Rule at law.
11 Explain the Enuemmen: 01' India act1919
12'Explaln Amalgamahun of the Two ?y?tE'ME of mums the Indlan High Courts Acl 1?31 1.
1-3? Explain Legal system in the mayors cums established under me charter ul' WEE.
14 Explain the Junsdictiun. [1mm and functicns of ?1-H F?rH-H,I GI: uncil.
.15'?nalyse the mntnhutlnn n uanuua raw mmmlssmn to raw refurrna In India.
,j???iscuss the deuefnpment n! Judicaal maasurea oi mrmallls.

This post was last modified on 26 January 2020