Download Pharm-D (Doctor of Pharmacy) 2nd Year (Second Year) 2022 January 383810 Pharmacology I Previous Question Paper || pharm d question paper-pharm d 2nd year previous question papers ou-pharm d question bank-pharm d 2nd year previous question papers ku-pharm d previous question papers jntuh-pharm d question papers rguhs-mgr university pharm d question paper-pharm d first year previous question papers jntuh
[PHARMD 0122] JANUARY 2022 Sub. Code: 3810
SECOND YEAR (2009-2010 Regulation)
Q.P. Code : 383810
Time : Three hours
Answer ALL Questions Maximum : 70 Marks
I. Elaborate on:
(4 x 10 = 40)
1. Discuss in detail about Neurohumoral transmission. Add a note on Sympatholytics.
2. Write the mechanism of action of digitalis and its pharmacological actions on
cardiovascular system.
3. Classify drugs in Parkinson's disease. Write the pharmacological actions of L-dopa on
Central Nervous System.
4. Write the Biosynthesis, actions and Pathophysiological roles of Prostaglandins,
Thromboxanes and Prostacyclin.
II. Write notes on:
(6 x 5 = 30)
1. Write a note on Bronchodilators.
2. Classify -adrenergic blocking agents and pharmacological action of Propranolol.
3. What is angina pectoris and discuss briefly its type.
4. Write the mechanism of action and uses of Disulfiram.
5. Write the synthesis, storage and metabolism of 5-Hydroxytryptamine.
6. Write the pharmacological actions of COX-2 inhibitors.
This post was last modified on 26 April 2022