Download BNYS 2021 March 1st Year 1501 Bio Chemistry Question Paper

Download BNYS (Bachelor of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences) 2021 March 1st Year 1501 Bio Chemistry Previous Question Paper

[BNYS 0321]

MARCH 2021
Sub. Code: 1501
FIRST YEAR (From the academic year 2013-14) ? PART I
Q.P. Code : 821501

Time: Three Hours Answer ALL questions Maximum : 100 Marks

I. Essay Questions:

(2 x 15 = 30)
1. Define starvation. Explain in detail on the biochemistry of starvation.
2. Explain in detail on amino acid pool, and Urea cycle.
II. Write Notes on:

(10 x 5 = 50)
1. Functions of Immunoglobulins.
2. Explain Clearance tests.
3. Define Basal metabolic rate. Write its importance and the factors affecting BM
4. Water metabolism and its regulation.
5. Explain Glycolysis.
6. Write about Vitamin
7. Structure of DNA.
8. Diagnostic importance of enzymes and Isoenzymes.
9. Write notes on Colorimetry.
10. Explain Phospholipids.
III. Short Answers on:

(10 x 2 = 20)
1. Essential amino acids.
2. Specificity of enzymes.
3. What are Oligosaccharides?
4. Write about Fluorine.
5. Coagulation and denaturation of proteins.
6. Protein energy malnutrition.
7. What is Replication?
8. Sickle cell anaemia.
9. Acidosis and alkalosis.
10. Structure of haemoglobin.

This post was last modified on 26 October 2021