Download BNYS 2021 March 1st Year 1508 Philosophy Of Nature Cure II Question Paper

Download BNYS (Bachelor of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences) 2021 March 1st Year 1508 Philosophy Of Nature Cure II Previous Question Paper

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MARCH 2021
Sub. Code: 1508
(MAY 2020 & AUGUST 2020 SESSION)
FIRST YEAR (From the academic year 2013-14) ? PART II
Q.P. Code : 821508

Time: Three Hours Answer ALL questions Maximum : 100 Marks

I. Essay Questions: (2 x 15 = 30)

1. Arogya raksha panchatantras and their importance in prevention of disease
2. Elaborate on Astanga of ayurveda
II. Write Notes on: (10 x 5 = 50)

1. Facial Diagnosis
2. Write on Water as Medicine
3. Fasting therapy
4. Precautions of Enema
5. Diet as per Naturopathy
6. List the Important works on ayurveda
7. Prakritivignana
8. Astavidaaharasevana
9. Pathyaapathy vichara
10. Outlines on dravyas
III. Short Answers on: (10 x 2 = 20)

1. List any 5 dinacharya routine
2. Type of encumbarences
3. Name 6 ritu and its durations
4. What is vegadharanam and its types
5. Types of Agnis and its impact on digestion
6. Mother tincture
7. Name all rasa
8. Tridosavignana
9. Spinal analysis
10. Properties of mud

This post was last modified on 26 October 2021