Download BHMS 2021 March 1st Year 1230 Anatomy I Question Paper

Download BHMS (Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery) 2021 March 1st Year 1230 Anatomy I Previous Question Paper

[BHMS 0321]

MARCH 2021
Sub. Code: 1230
FIRST YEAR (Modified Regulations ? Upto 2014-2015 batch)
Q.P. Code : 581230

Time: Three Hours Answer ALL questions Maximum : 100 Marks

I. Essay Questions: (2 x 15 = 30)

1. Describe the situation and Extent, relations, structures, blood supply and
lymphatic drainage of the female Breast.
2. Describe the nuclei of origin, attachment with brain stem, extra-cranial course and
relations and applied anatomy of FACIAL NERVE.
II. Write Notes on: (10 x 5 = 50)

1. Write the origin, parts and branches of Axillary artery.
2. Describe Erb's palsy.
3. Write about the boundaries and contents of Digastric triangle.
4. What are the structures passing through the Foramen Magnum.
5. Describe the attachments of Inferior constrictor of Pharynx.
6. Describe the formation of the neural tube and its subdivisions.
7. What are the special features of Clavicle?
8. Write the origin, insertion, nerve supply, action of flexor digitorum profundus.
9. Write the type, variety, and ligaments of shoulder joint.
10. Write the origin, course and relations and termination of Cephalic vein.
III. Short Answers on: (10 x 2 = 20)

1. What are the processes of the Scapula?
2. What are the structures under cover of Deltoid muscle?
3. What are the two nerves that supply the Brachialis muscle?
4. Name the branches of Brachial artery.
5. What are the muscles in the superficial extensor group of forearm?
6. What is MORULA?
7. Write any 4 structures that occupy the orbital cavity?
8. What are the arteries taking part in the formation of Anastomosis around elbow
9. What are the features of synovial joint?
10. Write about the supra hyoid muscles.


This post was last modified on 26 October 2021