Download OU BA (Important Questions) -Ba Computer Applications 5th Sem Question Bank

Download OU (Osmania University) BA (Bachelor of Arts) Ba Computer Applications 5th Sem Question Bank (Important Questions)

With Effect; from the Academic Year 20184019
Multimedia Systems Lab ' 505
Practical 2 Hours/Week 1 credit
Implement the followings using Blender -
Create an animation using the tools panel and the properties panel to draw the following ?
Line, oval, circle, pencil, brush, lasso tool etc...
Create an animation using the tools panel and the properties panel to draw the following ?
rectangle, square, triangle, diamond, octagon etc...
Create an animation using text tool to set the font, size, color etc.
Create an animation using free transform tool that should use followings-
Move Objects, Skew Objects, Stretch Objects, Rotate Objects,
Stretch Objects while m'aintaining proportion, Rotate Objects after relocating the center dot
Create an animation using layers having following features-
lnsert layer, Delete layer, Guide layer, Mask layer.
Modify the document (changing backgrou?d color etc. )using the following tools
Eraser tool, Hand tool, Ink bottle tool, Zoom too], Paint Bucket tool, Eyedropper tool
Create an animation for bus car race in which both starts from the same point 51nd car wins the race.
Create an animation for bus car race in which both starts from the same point and bus wins the race.
Create an animation in which text Hello gets converted into GoodBye (using motion/shape
Create an animation in which text gets converted into digits (like hello is 85121215).
Create an animation having five images having fade-in fade-out effect.
Create an scene to show the sunrise (using multiple layers and motion tweening)
Create an scene 10 show the sunset (using multiple layers and motion tweening)
Create an animation to show the ripple effect.
Create an animation (using Shape tweening and shape hints) for transforming one shape into
another. '
Create an animation for bouncing ball (you may use motion guide layer).
Practical exercises based on concepts listed in theory using Presentation tools in office automation
tool/ GIMP/Blender / Audacity/ Animation Tools/ Image Editors/ Video Editors.
B.A. (Computer Applications) ? Osmania University ' Page I 20

2&1" gm Eif??ct fmm Um Awaimnic Yum 201E 8~20 i 9
Web Technoiogi?es Lab 506
Practical 2 Hours/Week 1 credit
a. Write a HTML program using basic text formatting tags, ,


b. Write a HTML page for Example Cafe using above text formatting tags.
d. Write a HTML programusing presentational element tags , , , , ,
, ,

b. Write a HTML program using phrase element tags
, , , ,

a. Write a HTML program using different list types.
b. Write a HTML page that displays ingredients and instructions to prepare a recipe.
a. Write a HTML program using grouping elements
and .
b. Write a HTML Menu page for Example cafe site.
a.Wr1?Le a HTML program using images, audios, videos.
I). Write a HTML program to create your time table?
Write a HTML program to cre?te a form using text inputs, password inputs, multiple line text input,
buttons, check boxes, radio buttons, select boxes, ?le select boxes.
Write a HTML program to create a frames and links between frames.
Write a HTML program to create different types ofstyle sheets.
Write a HTML program to create CSS on 1inks,lists, tables and generated content.
Write a HTML program to create your college web site using multi column layouts.
Write a HTML program to create your college web site using for mobile device.
Write a HTML program to create login form and verify username and password using DOM
a. Write a JavaScript program to calculate area of rectangle using function.
b. Write a JavaScript program to wish good morning, good afternoon, good evening depending
on the currem Lime.
a. Write a JavaScript program using switch case?.
b. Write a JavaScript program to print multiplication table ofgiven number using loop.
3? Write a JavaScripL programs lusing any 5 events.
b. Write a JavaScript program using JavaScript built in objects.
Write a lavaScripl. program 10 Cream registration form and validate all fields using form validation
BA. (Computer Applications) ? Osmania University I Page | 22

With Effect from the Academic Year 20:18-28? 9
Visuai Programming Lab 506
Practical 2 HOLII?S/Week 1 credit
Write a program to print a table ofnumbers from S to 15 and their squares and cubes.
Write a program to print the largest of three numbers.
Write a program to print the factional ofa number.
Write a program to print the GCD ofany two positive integers.
Write a program to print the given number in reverse order of digits.
Write a program to print the given number is prime or not.
Create an application that prompts the user to enter today?s sales for five stores. The program should
then display a simple bar graph comparing each store's sales.
Create an application that allows the user to enter each month's amount of rainfall and calculates the
total and average rainfall for a year.
Write code that declares a string array with three elements and then stores your first, middle, and
last names in the army?s elements.
Enter a list ofpositive numbers terminated by zero. Find the sum and average of these'numbers.
A person deposits Rs. 1.000 in a fixed account yielding 5% interest.
Complete the amount in the account at the end of each year for n years.
Read 11 numbers. Count the number ofnegative numbers, positive numbers and zeros in the list,
Read 11 numbers. Count the number of negative numbers, positive numbers and zeroes in the list.
(Use arrays.) '
Read a single dimension array. Find the sum and average 0fthese numbers.
Read a two dimension array. Find the sum oftwo 2D Array.
Create a database Employee and Make a form to allow data entry to Employee Form with the
following command buttons:
Date Bf Join mg?
Deeigimtimi: E
Dr: vertmez] t: E
Address: W
Bash: Pay:
pRE'v EE 3751? K
BAA. (Computer Applications) ? Osmania University Page | 24

This post was last modified on 27 January 2020