Download OU BA (Important Questions) -BA Geography Question Bank

Download OU (Osmania University) BA (Bachelor of Arts) BA Geography Question Bank (Important Questions)

Practical Question Bank
B.A.IB.Sc. Geoqraphy Practical (CBCS) 2016-2017
Time: 2 hrs Marks: 25 marks
UNIT- I (06 marks each)
1. De?ne map? Explain about the various types of maps and give a brief note on its uses
and importance.
2. What is a map? Explain about different types of maps.
3. What are the various types of maps? Give a brief note on their uses?
UNIT- ll (06 marks each)
1. What is Representative Fraction? Draw a plain scale when RF is 1:100000 showing
Kilometers and metres for a distance of 20 kms
2. What is Representative Fraction? Draw a plain scale when RF is 11100000 showing
Kilometers and metres for a distance of 10 kms
3. What is Graphical scale? Draw a graphical scale when RF is 1:25.000 showing kilometres
and meters for a distance of 5 kms.
4. What is Representative Fraction? Draw a plain scale when RF is 1:63,360 showing
Miles and furlongs for a distance of 6 miles.
5. What is Representative Fraction? Draw a plain scale when RF is 1:50,000 showing
Kilometers and metres for a distance of 10 kms
UNlT-I|l(06 marks each)
1. Define contour and draw a diagram to represent geological landform from a given contour
map on a graph paper.
2. Extract Superimposed profile from the given Contour Map?
3. Draw a composite profile from the given Contour Map?
4. Draw series of simple profiles from the given Contour Map?
5. Draw a projected profile from the given Contour Map?
6. Define profile? Discuss the various types of profiles and draw a composite pro?le for a
given contour map
7. Draw a geological landform from a given contour map and explain geological aspects.

UNlT-lV(06 marks each)
1. For a given topographical map, trace any one grid and interpret the physical and cultural
2. Interpret the given topographical map by highlighting both Physical and Cultural aspects.
3. Explain how do the Geographical features are represented on topographical map, with
the help of given toposheet.
4. Interpret the physical and cultural features of a given Topographical map.
1. Practical Record & Viva Voce (3+2= 5 marks)

Practical Model Paper
B.A. /B.Sc. Geography (CBCS) - 2016?2017
Time: 2 hrs Total marks: 25 (1 ?redit)
Note: Answer any THREEof the following four questions and Question No.4 is compulsory
(Elements of Mapping and Interpretation)
Unit: 1. Types of Maps: Cadastral, Topographical, Atlas, General Maps, Thematic Maps. (06 Marks)
Unit: 2. Constructions of scale: simple, diagonal and comparative. (06 Marks)
Unit: 3. Relief features of geological landforms and pro?le drawing (serial, superimposed, projected
and composite) (06 Marks)
Unit: 4.Map reading and Interpretation of topographical sheets (Compulsory Question ? 08 Marks)
' . Unit: 5. Practical Record and Viva Voce (3+2: 05 Marks)

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What are the types of data? Explain its advantages and disadvantages.
What is tabulation of data? Discuss different parts of table.
Explain various types of sampling techniques.
In a survey of 35 famiiies in a village, the number of children per family was
recorded and following data obtained.
1 0 2 3 4 5
7 2 3 4 0 2
8 4 5 12 6 3
6 5 3 3 7
7 9 4 5 4 3
Represent the data in the form of a discrete frequency distribution.
The marks obtained by 50 students are given below:
31 13 46 31 3O 45 38 42 30 9
3O 3O 46 36 2 41 44 18 29 63
44 3O 19 5 44 15 7 25 12 30
6 22 24 37 15 6 39 32 21 20
42 31 19 14 23 28 17 53 22 21
Construct a grouped frequency distribution with width of each class interval as
10. Use exclusive method of classification.
Count the number of letters in each word of the paragraph given below (ignoring
comma, full stop etc.) and prepare a discrete frequency distribution.
?Today, to a very striking degree, our culture has become a statistical culture.
Even a person, who may never have heard of an index number, is attached in an
intimate fashion by the gyrations of those index numbers which describe the cost
of living."

What do you mean by measures of central tendency? What are the types of
What is Mean? What are its merits and demerits?
Define Mode. Explain different merits and demerits of it.
From the following data compute arithmetic mean by step deviation method.
Marks: 0-10 10-20 20-40 40-50 50-60
No of students 5 10 25 20 1O
Calculate median for the following data.
Class: 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25
Frequency: 5 1O 15 12 8
Find the value of mode from the data given below:
Weight (kg) no of students
93~97 2
98-102 5
103-107 12
108-112 17
113-117 14
118-122 6
123-127 3
128?132 1

1 .
What do you mean by measures of Dispersion and what are the methods of
studying variations?
Explain the difference between mean deviation and standard deviation.
What are merits and demerits of standard deviation?
What do you mean by Mean deviation and what are its merits and demerits?
Find out the Median, Mean deviation and coef?cient of Mean deviation from
the following data:
X: 10 11 12 13 14
F: 3 12 18 12 3
Find out the standard deviation for the following data.
Age under: N0. of persons dying:
0-1 0 15
10?20 15
20-30 23
30-40 22
40-50 25
50?60 10
60-70 5
70?80 10
4 (take 35 as assumed mean.)
Calculate coefficient of variation and state which team is more consistent?
Team A X: 15 10 07 05 O3 02
Team B Y: 20 10 05 O4 02 01

1? What is correlation? Explain the types of correlation with the help of an example.
2. Find out that, is there any re1ationship between age and blood pressure. Calculate
Karl Pearson coefficient of correlation.
X(ages): 52 63. 45 33 72 65
Y (blood pressure): 82 93 100 120 83 80
3. Find out that, is there any relationship between advertisement expenditure and
sales: calculate Karl Pearson coefficient of correlation.
Advt. exp. In lakhs(X): 52 63 65 7O 76 80 78
Sales in crores(Y): 14 16 18 20 24 30 32
4. Find the Spearman's rank correlation from the following data.
X: 87 22 33 75 37
Y: 29 63 52 46 48

Write about construction and working of wet and dry buib thermometer.
Write about construction and working of rain gauge
Write about construction and working of wind wane.
Describe the weather conditions over India with the help of given January weather
map of india.
Describe the weather conditions over India with the help of given Juiy weather map
of India.
Describe the weather conditions over india with the help of given October weather
map of india.

Practical?III: Maps and Diag?ms
What is a dot map? How is the value and size of a dot map determined? What purpose
does a dot map serve?
What is a Choropleth map? How is a Choropleth map prepared? What purpose does
this map serve
What is an isopleths?.? When are isopleths used? What purpose does an isopleths map
Give speci?c use, merit and demerits of a dot map.
Give speci?c use, merit and demerits of an isopleths map.
Give speci?c use, merit and demerits of a Choropleth map.
Explain with sketch maps, the cartographic techniques to show an area under rice as
percentage of the total cropped area in Telangana.
Area under different crops during 2010-1 1
Sl.NO District Rice Maize
1 Adilabad a 26.47 31.23
2 Khammam 30.75 53.80
3 Karimnagar 35.48 52.31
4 Mahabubnagar 26.79 31.00
5 Medak 33.76 45.22
6 Nalgonda 32.80 23.66
7 Nizambad 38.15 53.33
8 RangaReddy 1 24.05 38.79
. 9 Warangal : 32.86 48.40
110 Hyderabad 0 0
Explain with sketch maps & the cartographic techniques employed to show an area
under Maize as percentage of the total cropped area in Telangana from the above
given data.
Explain with sketch maps & the canographic techniques employed to show the
distribution of population according to the census, 2011 of Telangana from the given
Sl.NO District Population
1 Adilabad 27,41,239
2. E Khammam 27,97,370
3 ! Karimnagar 37,76,269
4 Mahabubnagar 40,53,028
5 Medak 30,33,288
6 Nalgonda 34,88,809
7 Nizambad 25,51,335
8 RangaReddy 52,96,741
9 Warangal 35,12,576
10 Hyderabad 39,43,323
10. Write a detailed notes on the following graphs; Polygraph, Compound line?Graph.
l 1. Compare the use, merits and demerits 0f the Simple line graph and Polygraph.

12. Draw a Climograph with the help of the following data:
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Wet-bulb 11.0 11.8 20.2 24.6 30.2 32.4 28.7 27.6 25.8 22.4 16.9 12.2
temp.?C 1
Relative 72 68 1 63 54 41 45 70 1 78 65 61 64 75
Humidity 0/6 E "
13. Draw a Hythergraph with the help of the following data:
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May June 1 July Aug Sep Oct Nov 1 Dec E
Temp.?C 10.5 12.9 16.9 21.5 26.1 27.5 24.3 23.4 22.7 201 16.1 E 12.6 1
Rainfall 14.3 9.2 11.8 4.7 5.5 14.2 105.5 103.6 52.8 11.8 1.5 5.4 E
(cm) 1
14. Represent the following data by a suitable line graph:
Production of food grains in India (Lakh tonnes)
Crop 2005-06 I 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 1 2010-2011
Rice 39761 40430 42225 43068 39245 43742
Jowar 9804 9721 8105 7722 6968 8992
Bajra 3802 5327 8029 5319 3929 7086
Wheat 18651 20093 23832 26410 24735 22072
Pulses 10418 11691 11818 11094 9907 9754
Others 11577 12239 14413 11555 12242 11965
15. Represent the following data by a suitable line graph:
Foreign trade of India(2005-06-2010?201 1) (Rupees in Crores)
Year Imports Exports
2005-06 1582.10 1413.28
2006-07 1634.20 1535.16
2007?08 1824.54 1608.22
2008-09 1867.44 1970.83
2009-10 2925.25 2523.40
2010-2011 4348.66 3253.04
16. Write a detailed note on Pie diagrams and Multiple bar diagrams.
17. For what purpose are the following diagrams used; Rectangular diagrams, Block-pile
18. What do you mean by statistical diagrams? Explain about two dimensional statistical
diagrams with suitable examples.
19. Represent the following data by a suitable diagram.
Production of selected chemicals in India(?000 tonnes)
Chemical 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-2011
Sulphuric Acid 1053 975 1226 1353 1292
Soda A511 449 489 483 449 516
Caustic soda 371 385 391 424 429
20. Write a detailed note 011 Simple bar diagram and compound bar diagram.

This post was last modified on 27 January 2020