Download KUHS BPT 2nd Year 2019 2012 - Scheme 212014 Exercise Therapy Question Paper

Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) BPT ( Bachelor of Physiotherapy) 2nd Year (Second Year) 2019 2012 - Scheme 212014 Exercise Therapy Previous Question Paper

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Q.P. Code: 212014 Reg. No.:?

Second Year BPT Degree Supplementary Examinations
March 2019

Exercise Therapy
(2012 Scheme)
Time: 3 hrs Max marks : 100
? Answer all questions
? Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essays (2x14=28)
1. Explain the principles of aerobic exercise training. Mention the effects of this
training on the various systems of the body.
2. What are the principles and grades of mobilization. Explain the techniques of
mobilization for shoulder joint.
Short notes (4x8=32)
3. Describe the physiology of balance and the components of balance.
4. Explain relaxation and describe about Jacobson's relaxation.
5. Define suspension therapy. Explain the principles, uses, types and technique of
suspension therapy.
6. What is proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF). Explain the basic
neurophysiologic principles of PNF
Answer briefly (10x4=40)
7. Four limitations of goniometry.
8. Describe the stretching techniques for calf muscle tightness.
9. Define walking aids. Mention the types of walking aids and its uses.
10. Define functional re-education and mention the stages from lying to sitting.
11. Describe the types of resisted exercises with examples.
12. Tests of sensation.
13. Mulligan technique of joint mobilization.
14. What are the principles of hydrotherapy.
15. Define co-ordination and mention the non-equilibrium tests of co-ordination.
16. Pulmonary function tests.
******************************* - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 27 March 2020
