Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) BPT ( Bachelor of Physiotherapy) 2nd Year (Second Year) 2018 March 2012 - Scheme 211014 Electrotherapy Previous Question Paper
Second Year BPT Degree Supplementary Examinations March 2018
(2012 Scheme)
Time: 3 hrs Max marks: 100
? Answer all questions
? Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays (2x14=28)
1. Define pain. Explain the gate control theory of pain in detail.
2. Describe the construction and working of a Kromayer lamp. Explain the
physiological effects of UVR radiation.
Short notes (4x8=32)
3. Production of interferential currents and its application.
4. Galvanic currents.
5. Define micro currents and explain its physiological effects.
6. Describe the electromagnetic spectrum and discuss its applications in
Answer briefly (10x4=40)
7. What are electrical burns.
8. Uses of pulsed electromagnetic energy.
9. Define reverse piezoelectric effect and its application in electrotherapy.
10. Any two uses of Russian currents.
11. FG Test
12. Advantages of whirlpool bath.
13. Parameters of high TENS.
14. Define rheobase and chronaxie.
15. Dosage of SWD.
16. Indications and contraindications of fluidotherapy.
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