Download JNTUA MBA 1st Sem Supple 2015 Dec 14E00105 Business Statistics Question Paper

Download JNTUA (JNTU Anantapur) MBA (Master of Business Administration) 1st Sem Supple 2015 Dec 14E00105 Business Statistics Previous Question Paper

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Code: 14E00105

MBA I Semester Regular & Supplementary Examinations December/January 2015/2016
(For students admitted in 2014 & 2015 only)

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 60
All questions carry equal marks
Answer the following: (05 X 10 = 50 Marks)

1 What is the concept of coefficient of variation? What is the application of coefficient variation in
business decision making?
2 (a) Find the mean, median and mode for the following set of numbers:
(i) 3, 5, 2, 6, 5, 9, 5, 2, 8 and 6.
(ii) 51.6, 48.7, 50.3, 49.5 and 48.9.
(b) From the following data, find the first and third quartiles:
Serial No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Daily wages (in hundred rupees) 15 20 34 45 52 63 71 82

3 What are the assumptions of regression analysis? Distinguish between correlation and regression.
4 Determine the line of regression for the following data, taking:
(a) X as the independent variable and Y as the dependent variable.
(b) Y as the independent variable and X as the dependent variable.
(? = 0.05)
X 12 21 28 25 32 42 43 39 55
Y 14 22 12 28 35 37 32 44 49

5 Define probability. Explain the concept of marginal probability, union probability, joint probability and
conditional probability.
6 In a toy manufacturing company, three machines namely, A, B and C, are employed to manufacture
toys. Machines A, B and C manufacture 20%, 30% and 50% of the total toys, respectively. A quality
control officer examined the machines and found that A, B and C produce 2%, 3% and 5% defectives
of the total output. A toy is selected at random and is found to be defective. What are the probabilities
that this toy came from machine A, B and C respectively.

7 What is hypothesis? Discuss the hypothesis testing procedure.
8 Modern bicycles has conducted a survey among 100 randomly selected men and 120 randomly
selected women. As per the findings, 25 men and 35 women say that the size of the wheel is a very
important factor in purchasing a bicycle. On the basis of this data, can the company claim that a
significantly higher proportion of women when compared to men believe that the size of wheels is a
very important factor. Take 95% as the confidence level.

9 (a) What is the goodness-of-fit test and what are its applications in decision making?
(b) Under what circumstances is the test of independence used?
Contd. in Page 2

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Code: 14E00105

MBA I Semester Regular & Supplementary Examinations December/January 2015/2016
(For students admitted in 2014 & 2015 only)

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 60
All questions carry equal marks
Answer the following: (05 X 10 = 50 Marks)

1 What is the concept of coefficient of variation? What is the application of coefficient variation in
business decision making?
2 (a) Find the mean, median and mode for the following set of numbers:
(i) 3, 5, 2, 6, 5, 9, 5, 2, 8 and 6.
(ii) 51.6, 48.7, 50.3, 49.5 and 48.9.
(b) From the following data, find the first and third quartiles:
Serial No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Daily wages (in hundred rupees) 15 20 34 45 52 63 71 82

3 What are the assumptions of regression analysis? Distinguish between correlation and regression.
4 Determine the line of regression for the following data, taking:
(a) X as the independent variable and Y as the dependent variable.
(b) Y as the independent variable and X as the dependent variable.
(? = 0.05)
X 12 21 28 25 32 42 43 39 55
Y 14 22 12 28 35 37 32 44 49

5 Define probability. Explain the concept of marginal probability, union probability, joint probability and
conditional probability.
6 In a toy manufacturing company, three machines namely, A, B and C, are employed to manufacture
toys. Machines A, B and C manufacture 20%, 30% and 50% of the total toys, respectively. A quality
control officer examined the machines and found that A, B and C produce 2%, 3% and 5% defectives
of the total output. A toy is selected at random and is found to be defective. What are the probabilities
that this toy came from machine A, B and C respectively.

7 What is hypothesis? Discuss the hypothesis testing procedure.
8 Modern bicycles has conducted a survey among 100 randomly selected men and 120 randomly
selected women. As per the findings, 25 men and 35 women say that the size of the wheel is a very
important factor in purchasing a bicycle. On the basis of this data, can the company claim that a
significantly higher proportion of women when compared to men believe that the size of wheels is a
very important factor. Take 95% as the confidence level.

9 (a) What is the goodness-of-fit test and what are its applications in decision making?
(b) Under what circumstances is the test of independence used?
Contd. in Page 2

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Code: 14E00105

10 A vice president (sales) of a garment company wants to determine whether the sales of the
company?s brand of jeans is independent of age group. He has appointed a marketing researcher for
this purpose. This marketing researcher has taken a random sample of 703 consumers who have
purchased jeans. The researcher conducted survey for three brands of the jeans, namely brand 1,
brand 2 and brand 3. The researcher has also divided the age groups into four groups: 15 to 25, 26 to
2, 26 to 45 and 46 to 55. The observations of the researcher are provided in the following table:
Brand 1 Brand 2 Brand 3 Row Total
15 to 25 65 75 72 212
26 to 35 60 40 64 164
36 to 45 45 52 50 147
46 to 55 55 65 60 180
Column total 225 232 246 703
Determine whether brand preference is independent of age group. Use ? = 0.05.

(Compulsory Question) 01 X 10 = 10 Marks
11 Case study:
A dealer of a motor cycle company believes that there is a positive relationship between the number of
salespeople employed and the increase in the sales of bikes. Data for 14 randomly selected weeks
are given in the following table:
Weeks No. of salespeople employed Sales (in units)
1 17 34
2 14 39
3 25 60
4 40 80
5 15 38
6 18 50
7 13 35
8 11 25
9 27 51
10 12 29
11 38 89
12 36 85
13 41 90
14 28 63

(a) Develop a regression model to predict sales from the number of salespeople employed.
(b) Predict sales when number of sales people employed are 100.


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This post was last modified on 27 July 2020