Download BU (Bangalore University) MBA 3rd Semester 2017 July Industrial And Employee Relations Question Paper

Download BU (Bangalore University) MBA (Master of Business Administration) 3rd Semester 2017 July Industrial And Employee Relations Question Paper

Illlllllllllllllliillllllllllllllll PG ? 928
Ill Semester M.B.A. Degree Examination, February 2017
Paper ? 3.5.2 : Industrial and Employee Relations
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70
Answerany five of the following questions. Each question carries 5 marks. (5x5=25)
1. What is the significance of employee relations ?
Define industrial dispute. State the causes of industrial disputes.
Explain the role of trade unions in collective bargaining.
What is gratuity ? Illustrate calculation of gratuity in different cases.
What is the importance of conciliation machinery ?
State the benefits under Maternity Benefit Act, 1961.
What are the challenges arising due to employees working on night shifts ?
Answer any three questions. Each question carries10 marks. (3x10=30)
8. Elaborate the evolution of IR policies in India.
9. Discuss the problems and challenges of trade unions in India.
10. Describe the important provisions of ESI Act, 1948.
11. Explain the prevention and settlement procedure of industrial disputes in India.

PG ?928 ||||||||l|||||||||||i||||||||||||||
12. Case Study : (1 x15=15)
In one public sector undertaking with a chequered past, a line manager was
appointed as the Chief of Personnel. Within a year aftertaking up the assignment,
he had to sign a wage agreement with the workers? union. The union at that time
was dominated by non-technical staff. The union?s charter of demands favoured
the interests of the dominant members? groups. It asked for a significant revision
in gardener?s pay, but was not equally vocal in pressing for the increase in the
pay scales of the workers in certain technical grades. The management conceded
these demands because the union cooperated with them in keeping the burden of
the pay revision well within the guidelines of Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE).
Once the agreement was signed and communicated to the empioyees/members
by the management and the union respectively, there was commotion among the
technical employees. They walked out of the union and formed a separate
technical staff union. They marched round the company premises holding the
placards which read, ?Here grase cutters get more than the gas cutters?. In the
engineering assembly unit till the pay revision occurred, welding was a highly
rated job. But not any longer.
1) Was the action of union management justified and why ?
2) Forming a separate union was both right and wrong. Explain.
3) What are the legal implications of forming a separate union ?
4) If you were in place of management, what factors would you like to consider
before finalizing the wages ??

This post was last modified on 28 January 2020
