Download NTRUHS (DR. N.T.R UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES) MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) 3rd Year Part-II General Surgery Syllabus
(3) GENERAL SURGERY (including Paediatric Surgery)
(i) Goal :
The broad goal of the teaching of undergraduate students in Surgery is to produce
graduates capable of delivering efficient first contact surgical care.
(ii) Objectives :
At the end of the course, the student shal be able to:
(1) Describe aetiology, pathophysiology, principles of diagnosis and management of
common surgical problems including emergencies, in adults and children;
(2) define indication and methods for fluid and electrolyte replacement therapy
including blood transfusion;
(3) define asepsis, disinfection and sterilization and recommend judicious use of
(4) describe common malignancies in the country and their management including
(5) enumerate different types of anaesthetic agents. Their indications, mode of
administration, contraindications and side effects.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
(1) Diagnose common surgical conditions both acute and chronic in adult and children;
(2) plan various laboratory tests for surgical conditions and interpret the results;
(3) identify and manage patients of haemorrhagic, septicaemic and other types of
(4) be able to maintain patent air-way and resuscitate;
(i) a critical y injured patient;
(ii) patient with cardio-respiratory failure;
(ii ) a drowning case;
(5) monitor patients of head, chest, spinal and abdominal injuries, both in adults and
(6) Provide primary care for a patient of burns;
(7) Acquire principles of operative surgery, including preoperative operative and post
operative care and monitoring;
(8) Treat open wounds including preventive measures against tetanus and gas
(9) Diagnose neonatal and paediatric surgical emergencies and provide sound primary
care before referring the patient to secondary / tertiary centres;
(10) Identify congenital anomalies and refer them for appropriate management.
In addition to the skills referred above in items(1) to (10), he shall have observed /assisted
/performed the following:
1. Incision and drainage of abscess;
2. Debridement and suturing open wound;
3. Venesections;
4. Excision of simple cyst and tumours;
5. Biopsy of surface malignancy;
6. Catheterisation and nasogastric intubation;
7. Circumcision;
8. Meatotomy;
9. Vasectomy;
10. Peritoneal and pleural aspirations;
11. Diagnostic proctoscopy;
12. Hydrocele operation;
13. Endotracheal intubation;
14. Tracheostomy and cricothyroidotomy;
15. Chest tube insertion
The undergraduate teaching in surgery shall be integrated at various stages with different
pre and para and other clinical departments
Name of the unit
No.of Hours
1. Wounds-closed and open, wound-healing and management.
2. Hemorrhage and shock
3. Fluid and Electrolyte balance & Acid-Base Balance.
4. Blood transfusion
5. Pyogenic infections ? Local, diffuse and septic
6. Common clinical lesions ? swel ing , ulcer etc.,
7. Thermal injuries, burns, electrical injuries;
8. Ulceration and Gangrene : Simple non- specific ulceration, acute and
chronic ulcers, skin grafting, gangrene, threatened, dry and moist,
vascular, infective, traumatic and toxic gangrene
9. Chemotherapy:
Streptomycin and the newer antibiotics, principles of radiation.
10. Diseases of the skin; Boils , Carbuncles, Impetigo, Tubreculosis,
Infections, Growth, Cysts and Sebaceous Glands,Nails;
11. Infections of the Fingers and hand :Anatomy, Prophylaxis The distal
Segment of the fingers, Tenosynovitis, Abscess in the palm,
12. The surgery of the Blood vessels: Arteries: Injury, Diseases,
Atheroma, Arteriosclerosis, Aneurysm, Thrombosis and Embolism;
Veins: Injury, Phlebitis Varicose Veins, growths of the blood vessels;
13. The diseases of lymphatic system: The diseases and growths of
lymphatics, elephantiasis, infections of the lymph glands,
lymphoedema, Lympho sarcoma, Lymph nodes ? Diseases and
surgery, slides of TB. And Hodgkins.
14. Diseases of the Mouth Palate, Lips, Cheek, Tongue, Teeth, Gums
jaws ? Salivary glands, Maxillofacial injuries, Tumours of jaw and
15. Anatomy of oesophagus, stomach, small and large bowel and anal
canal ( including vermiform appendix Peritoneum, congenital
anomalies) Diseases affecting them with emphasis on cancer colon
and volvulus of sigmoid ? Specimens of Cancer colon and Ileocaecal
TB. & Colostomy
Anorectal suppuration
Haemorrhoids internal and external
Ulcers and Tumours of Anal Canal
Rectum ? Specimens of cancer Rectum
16. Thyroid ? surgical anatomy, Physiology Classification of goitres,
thryrotoxicosis, tumours and surgery ? specimens and slides of
Thyrotoxicosis, Carcinoma and Colloid goitre.
17. Parathyroid & Adrenal glands.
Breast _ Surgical Anatomy, Physiology, Diseases and Surgery;
specimens and slides of Fibroadenoma and Carcinoma
18. Hernias
19. Penis ? Ulcers and tumors of penis
20. Anatomy of abdominal wall ? ventral hernia- Abdominal incision and
Mc. Burney's point
Anatomy of inguinal canal and inguinal hernia- Bassinis' operation.
Other types of Hernia
21. Abdominal injuries-open and closed.
22. Anatomy and diseases of liver
a. Abscess
b. Tumours
c. Specimens of Hydatid cyst and liver abscess.
d. Cholecystitis and cholelithiasis- Specimens of Cholecystitis and gal
e. Surgical Jaundice
f. Pancreatitis, Pancreatic Calculi and tumours
g. Spleen
h. Testis
Thorax and chest injuries.
Urinary symptoms, investigations of urinary tract
Kidney ? Ureter, Bladder, Prostate, Seminal Vesicles, Urethra and
Genito Urinary Surgery.
Cranium, spinal cord, Peripheral nerves and Head injuries.
1. Sepsis and Antisepsis
2. Sterilization ?Methods
3. General surgical Techniques: Antiseptic and aseptic surgery, Theatre
arrangements and technique, Ligature materials, pre-operative preparation
and post-operative treatment.
4. Surgical anatomy of neck with block dissection
Demarcation of syllabus for University Exam paperwise:-
: Units 1 to 14
: Units 15 to 26.
Recommended Books:
1. Short Practice of Surgery by Bailey & Love.
2. Principles of Surgery by Schwartz
3. Text Book of Surgery by Sabiston
4. Text Book of Surgery by Das
5. Manual of Clinical Surgery by Das K.
6. Practical guide to operative Surgery by Das S.
7. Current Surgical Diagnosis & Treatment by Lawrence.
8. Demonstration of Physical signs in Clinical Surgery by Hamilton Bailey.
9. Manual of Surgery by Dr.G.Lakshmana prasad.
This post was last modified on 28 June 2021