Download JNTU Anantapur (JNTU Anantapur) Master of Computer Applications (MCA) 2018 June-July Regular Supply 1st Sem 9F00105 Data Structures Previous Question Paper
MCA I Semester Supplementary Examinations June/July 2018
(For 2011 (LC), 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 admitted batches only)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 60
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1 (a) What is a function? State the advantages of using a function.
(b) Write a C program to swap two numbers using pointers.
2 (a) Explain the insertion operation performed in circular linked list.
(b) Write a short note on sparse matrix manipulation and polynomial representation.
3 (a) How to represent stacks using linked list? Give the suitable example.
(b) Write a procedure to convert postfix to infix expression with a simple example.
4 (a) Explain about the queue operations with an example.
(b) Explain array representation of queues with an example.
5 Explain with a simple example for:
(a) Bubble sort.
(b) Merge sort.
6 (a) Discuss in detail about the linear search with its algorithm and a simple example.
(b) Give a brief description about inverted tables.
7 Explain various operations performed in the binary search tree in detail.
8 (a) Explain the insertion operation in B-tree.
(b) Write a short note on Min heap and Max heap with an example.
***** - FirstRanker's Choice
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